Feral Druid Thrash bug with Circle of Life and Death

Hi, currently thrash is not working correctly with circle of life and death and I believe its being affected twice.

Thrash has a duration of 15 seconds, with circle of life and death it should be 12 seconds. But that is not the case. In game, when I first apply Thrash it lasts for 9.6 seconds - already the wrong duration. Then, when I immediately use thrash again it goes to 12.48, meaning its using 30% of 9.6 seconds, so most likely thrash is being affected by circle of life and death twice as 80% of 15 is 12 (20% less duration). Then its being affected again so 80% of 12 is 9.6 seconds. Could this be fixed please as it means we are thrashing more than we should with circle.


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