Feral healing update

I can do the looking bad part perfectly well without any extra help :laughing:

Well also that soloshuffle didnt got a full reset kinda sucks X_x otherwise there would be no feral near 2.4k. All of em 50% winrate man.

Can Blizzard not just give ferals back their defensives? I really wanna understand how the balance team is balancing. I mean, i get it, there a billion speccs and its impossible to please all X_x but where do those decisions always come from?

Is it so hard to analyse the tons of data they have?
“Oh, feral gets ungabungad more than any other meele class in arena, well whatever”.

For the sake of gods give us something that the game feels fun again.
Strong heals (like 240k regrowths)
some 12% dmg reduce passiv talent for ferals only
or like any other class a 1 minute def cd
X_x? survival instincts with 1:30 and 2 stacks
Faster whirls outside of heart
a bearform which actually is meaningfull again,
whatever X_X man. one of those things. plsssssss ffs


Ferals should stop complaining about their selfheal.

You guys want feral to heal back to full health after 3 Regrowths thats just insane. Did you guys forget your speced into DPS?

There are classes that have it far worse in selfheal. You can have my Exhiliration in exchange for Regrowth. No? I thought so.

Telling me, that you are Clueless without Telling me that you are Clueless.



As Schadenox said, someone just have to read your history and he immediately realize that it’s worthless to argue with you, you don’t even play Feral, but you want to tell us that the class is fine in terms of healing, and defense?

where do you get that assumption from? your 1.6 mmr games? nice one, pls stop spamming the Druid forum with nonsense, thank you very much.

Btw even Axtin, and scardrex saying, that the feral survivalbility is really bad, and these guys plays by miles above your level, and have a better game understanding than you.


Sorry but that is just a stupid take. Feral is squishy by design, our mobility was our biggest def but now every other spec got way better at mobility its no longer viable… a DK can spam root you forever what you gonna do? keep shifting in and out?
our Regrowth is way useless to the point its trolling to waste a GCD there… oh and its affected by dampening so after few minutes its even worse wheris a Warr shout or Rogue cloack or a Hunter’s turtle are always available full potential throughout the game.
Also before you say Bear form… its not as good as you think because first you have to be reactive and shift in Bear form before the sht happens whereis a Rogue just does not think about it at all and second you deal exactly 0 dps while in bear form and last the extra stam and armor means sht when most classes deal big dmg + non physical dmg
Feral was not meant to facetank pretty much any spec and was given ways to setup dmg, kite and when its the right moment setup a kill with cross CC. That is no longer the case now.


You seem to be overlooking the very simple fact that ferals aren’t a pure dps spec, we are and always have been hybrids. Yet, we are being outhealed by actual pure dps specs, who coincidentally are doing way more damage and have way more survivability.

Even if we could heal to full on 3 Regrowths, you still have to get your 5 combos up inbetween each one, by the time you can get your first regrowth in, you’re just about, if not dead already in a lot of situations.

Complaining about your own heals as a hunter is laughable tho, you shouldn’t have healing full stop, you’re a pure dps spec with pets to do your tanking while you turtle up inbetween 1 button’ing people left right and centre.


Idk i have given up on feral for a solid month now, i can tell you life is good.

Feral is the lowest healing in the game. Feral last whole season and start of this season was 3rd from the bottom what it comes to HPS. Under Feral you only had 2 rogue specs and the difference was like 100HPS. Feral average HPS was like 3-4k, while warriors, enh, rets, DH were all at 8-9k more than double our self-healing. Later you had Spriest and all locks with 10-12k HPS.

How do you explain such a huge difference in helping? Are all these other specs with double and triple our healing not DPS? And most of them are not even hybrid and the healing is passive for them, while we actually need to waste a GCD, or not root someone, or exit form and spend 10secs casting just to get back 50% of our HP or get nothing if there are any DoTs on us.

You want regrowth that heals for 30-40k at 0% dampening? :smiley: and you’ll give us exhil which is what with all talents? 40%+ instant heal with a 1 min CD? Be my guest, you’ll be really surprised how bad regrowth is. :smiley: a single exhil use is like 10 regrowths :smiley:

Also why are we like the only melee without an immunity of some sort? Rogues got multiple, Hunters get one, priests get some, pals, warriors, dh, ww, mages, shams. Every single DPS seems to have some way of going immune either through bubble or parry or dodge or become untargetable and we got nothing. And we get nothing in return, we don’t got healing, we don’t got defensives, we got “you can run away!” which also is not possible in most 3v3 games when you got 2 ppl chasing you, slowing you, rooting you, pulling you in constantly, dashing, blinking, charging all around.


i wish they’d answer u man :frowning: same questions as i have

Feral still at the bottom when it comes to healing, still at the bottom when in comes to defensive CDs and avg win rate for feral in solo shuffle is 43.8%, only TANK specs are worse. Feral has the lowest winrate from ALL classes and specs.

We also have a 62.1% death rate, only destro is above us, but destro at least has one of the best win rates.

Just shows how badly this class is designed for PvP. We have nothing. We got a cyclone spam build and that all. This is a really sad expansion for Ferals. Blizzard totally messed up. Seems like we’ll be this awful till next expansion. Think all we got left is just unsub if you are feral.


Wouldn’t you think though, that with the current ‘Emerald Dream’ thing going on, that they might have actually given druids some love, other than some visuals?

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