[Feral hidden artifact] Feather of the Moonspirit - clearifcation

I cant seem to figure this one out. Is it purley rng?

I ported to the Dreamgroove some time ago and ran around in feral form and got the screech from Ferals popping up.

Every day since that I do the same when I log on. I port to the Dreamgroove run around in feral form hoping to get a screech to pop but nothing.

I just continue to port to Dreamgroove for unkown ammount of days and hope to get the screeches? Or can I do anything to improve my chances?

Not that I’m aware. It does a roll once per day, if you you don’t get it, then you need to wait for the next day and try again. I’ve got 3 druids that can potentially do it, but I haven’t received the screech in a week… pretty much just gave up and stopped trying.

Actually I found this super useful lua script. It will list all the active and touched owl stones, as well as if your character is eligible for the daily roll (Run it while in the Dreamway)

/script for q,i in pairs({["Event"]=44326,["Feralas Act"]=44327,["Hinter Act"]=44328,["Dusk Act"]=44329,["Feralas Tou"]=44331,["Hinter Tou"]=44332,["Duskwood Tou"]=44330})do print(q,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))end

“Tou” = Touched
“Act” = Active (if true, it means the owl statue will spawn once you go through the relevant gate)

It could be worth checking to see if you somehow activated and missed the screech.

Thanks alot for the script.

So I just continue to port to Dreamgroove once a day and hope its up/spawn?

Yes. It is entirely random. You will see an emote in your chat window if it spawns, telling you that a screech is heard from a specific portal. You then go through it and look around the nearby area for a stone tablet.

The comment section here will be more helpful than I.


Right so it could be everything between days to years before I get the other two screeches.

You get them pretty fast just use dreamwalk once per day if poss for you .

I did get one some time ago, cant remember exactly. Have been using Dreamwalk daily ever since and nothing.

Why I asked here if its anything to do. Like go there at a certain time or do something before using Dreamwalk etc.

I logged in at different times every day so couldnt be that but i wish you good luck :slight_smile:

yes it’s rng, you can get the same portal however many times in a row

some people get it in 4 resets, other in 4 weeks worth of resets

Its also random wheter it gonna spawn or not. As in its not spawning daily?

Basically an invisible roll that happens when you enter the Dreamway once per day. That roll determines whether or not the owl statue appears. There’s no secret to it or anything, it’s just purely random.

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