I’m a casual PVPer that loves Feral and here are some idea/changes for The War Within
Reduce the CD on Prowl
Make clone baseline, i think every spec of Druid wants this. both PvP and PvE
Replace Thrash talent with brutal slash and remove thrash and swipe. Add the “Thrash” dot to brutal slash but make so the dot does some actual damage.
Swap places with Ironfur and Verdant heart
Primal wrath - separated from Rip with own spell ID
Protective growth - add talent back and increasing the DR or maby make so regroth heal and HoT is increased.
Survival instinkt - basline and make shoice node (2 charges) or (increasing duration)
Breserk - 2min basline
Raging fury - take current form from Tast of blod (
Ferocious Bite deals 15% increased damage and an additional 15% during Tiger’s Fury.)
Tast of blod - Increse bite damage with like 50% for each blead (only affected by rake rip and “Thrash”) gives emphasis on having baseline bleeds up before biting (reduce base bite damage to balance it out).
Circle of life and death - just make so it DoT tick faster not reducing its uptime.
Ashamane’s guidance (incarn) - need some love
Adaptive swarm - Change to “mangle” make so shred adds a debuff to increase bleeds damage to the target for 30 sec (mabey usable on multiple targets).
Wild attunement - Remove or change to predatory swiftness stack 2 times and add a reduced cast time to clone by 50% per stack.
Leader of the pack - baseline
Wicked clasws - basline
Strength of the wild - Change to 100 % crit to regrowth and increase healing on HoT effect.
Malorne’s Swiftness - Also affects Cat form (try to make talent viable)
Freedom of the herd - “freedom” for the duration (try to make talent viable)