Hey just starting out on feral and trying to get my head around how and when to just stuns in 2s. I mean if I’m opening on someone from stealth with Incarn I read I should open with rake but then when to use restealth, when to use maim and when to use mighty bash? I was thinking I could open with rake on one guy then might bash if he trinkets then pop incarn, restealth and rake other target or maim if stealth breaks and pop burst on 2nd target. Otherwise if I just pop burst on kill target, I have a mighty bash to use which is going to waste and possibly a maim too because of stun dr on them, having opened with rake and maybe also restealthed and raked them again. If I do use maim on kill target, at how many combo points to avoid waste due to dr since I opened with rake and may have even restealthed and raked again?