Feral is garbage

There i said it.
Feral is garbage, aside from them increasing some numbers feral has no reason to be good in the upcoming content.
Changes are mediocre at best.
I cant pick Incarnation, Swiftmend has been removed, Fluid Form is just mediocre man… no wild attunement though it was also mediocre, most talents need to be baseline anyway (Thorns, Remove Corruption, Tireless Pursuit, Wicked Claws, Cyclone, Primal Wrath), Berserk shouldnt require 3 points to be picked up and another 3 to transform it to Incarnation. Thats just insane. Heart of the Wild is 5 minutes. Let that sink in.
There still bugged traits that persist for years now, as of recently theres a bug with Powershifting abilities when used in combination with other powershifting abilities (Shadowmeld + Prowl + Tigers Fury + Rake for example) you get kicked out of form if you have been out of it instead of being shifted into cat.
Thorns damage is not increased and is too low.
Lycaras Teachings have 6-10 seconds delay of giving you the stats according to the form.
Defensives are ridiculous: I know people wont agree but bear form armor is currently bugged and it gives 80% dmg reduction but as soon thats fixed you will feel how bad our defensives are and why on earth does Silence stop me from using Barkskin when despite any other class having a immunity to some sort of damage (evasion, blur, paladin warrior 100% parry ability, the passive dodge monks have + fists every 30 secs ) along with literal immunities, somehow a feral cat cannot dodge ?
You also mean to tell me warrior can double or more charges of gap closers, rogue, dh, monks and i cant simply have double feral charge ?
This is the first time in all of these expansions of me playing feral that i literally struggle connecting. Like i cant put the bleeds on even if i manage, everyone is in some sort of immunity, able to clear out bleeds or kyting me to the extend that i am stuck trying to powershift micro-roots (that for some reason got no DR ?) and micro- slows of some sort that happen every 0.5 seconds.
Another thing is passive dodge: Rogues opener can go through any kinds of dodge , along with teleport behind to avoid being dodged, currently theres no way for ferals to bypass dodge be it passive or active along with their opener (rake stun) CAN infact dodge. LMFAO
Currently with this inflation of numbers people think feral is fine but once the first PvP season drops you will see.
And as clunky as the class has always been introducting more clunkiness in the forms of Fluid Form and lack of proper utility just ruins any fun you can have playing this game as a feral.
Change my mind or dont- idc.


u specced into Fluid forms, this allows you to cancel form and instantly cast rake/shred in casterform to shift back which allows powershifting in 1 global as before.

Feral mobillity isnt an issue, frostbite and root proccs from frost mages are the issue, dk able to grip you 3 times back to back is an issue, so when we have to sit and eat dmg we are to squishy for that, that is true (on beta/lvl 80)

Ferals defensive used to be also enable to get distance, let bleeds tick and heal yourself for a bit

Im aware how its used, its a good concept but only really practical in PvE.

If every class moves forward into expansions receiving more mobility and my mobility gets pruned, then its literally the problem (feral having no 2nd charge)

3 min cd a defensive that lasts 6 seconds. vs immunity Andies with 2 min cd.

This is 100% useless if you are being kited as you need to be in melee range to use any of those abilities…
As a feral alt I do agree that while dmg is fine, and defensive mostly (hard to judge with broken bear) I have a much, MUCH easier time getting and sticking to my target as rogue/warr.

Currently, rake slows by 20% which is nothing when everyone else seems to auto apply a 50%+ snare every global that you can manage to shapeshift.

It’s much more tahn feral had before, also you can powershift with dash and tigersfury when not being able to hit your target.

But the only really problem is into frost mage + x.

Whicked Claws makes the slow 40% but in to be honest, shred should also apply the desease.

Frost mage is 100% a problem yeah. The constant root/snare ontop of the mobility is rather insane atm.
I think every melee has that problem though.

I forgot about wicked claw stacking twice.
That is also bs btw.
Rake does 60% more dmg when used from stealth… So the second rake you use, in order to apply 2 stacks of the healing/slow debuff it just halving your bleed dmg from rake.

And it breaks the buff modifier that requires you to use 3 different generators in a row for next rip/bite to do 25% more dmg.

It’s just very gimmicky and doesn’t feel fluid overall I guess.
At least not when you compare it with a lot of other specs where both slow and ms is more or less baked in to the rotation with no cost at all.

Maybe im not reading something right… a mage just DODGED my stun ? (no it wasnt a night elf)

After many years of playing Feral, switched to Guardian 8-9 months back and never tried feral again until a few days ago. Played 6 Blitz games, switched back to Guardian, problem is I’ve never really enjoyed Guardian, it’s really boring the majority of the time but Feral, even with the extra damage and healing in the patch, is still absolutely abysmal compared to what I knew and loved about the spec.

Barely played the last couple of weeks due to being really bored with Guardian and Feral absolutely sucking. Levelled a few alts recently but don’t enjoy any of them, got 1 more day to wait to get my Panda Remix Warrior out of his box and see how that goes.

Think I may well be at the end of my tolerance for the game again now though as I have literally no excitement for the upcoming xpac and being stuck with only Blitz as a format that seems worth playing doesn’t fill me with much hope either.

I love feral, feral is nice, it’s just very clear that the people who played it a long time want something different for it than the devs.

The players want it to be a melee afflock with bleeds and a bunch of offhealing, a brawler type hybrid class. The devs want it to be an offensive cooldown burst window bite spamming worse version of a sub rogue.

When it is good it’s really nice to play, if you enjoy that plate spinning gameplay, i do.

Not really, quite the oposite.
The design remained the same along the years with us literally losing more traits or our traits becoming outdated or not special for other classes got them also now and i’d argue that what other classes got is effectively better.

Theres nothing feral excels in.

I dont see the comparison.
aside from the stun both are entirely different.

It already is.

I do. Thats why i main feral for so many years.
The problem im communicating is the outdatedness of the spec itself.
Get any ability feral has and another class has it also but modern and better without the clunkiness.
Theres always a “but” in everything.
Cyclone but you gotta cast it, has pushback, if you get interrupted= u cant use your defensive, kicks you out of form , short range, immunes the target.
Entangling Roots but requires a proc to use it. No worries since if you need to heal you got Swiftmend… oh wait they removed it
Self-heal but requires a proc to use it.
Swiftmend but… oh wait its removed. Dead keybind. Now you relly on self heal procs but also on rooting … what should it be ?
Rejuvenation but its a dead keybind.
Wild Growth but its a dead keybind
Soothe but its a dead keybind.
Thrash increases your bite dmg by 5% … oh wait they removed that… dead keybind for it costs 40 energy and does negative dmg.
Typhoon but has an invisible DR, ridiculously short range of effect, short distance range, and you gotta weirdly aim it, you cant use Ursol Vortex with it.
Ursol Vortex but has an invisible DR, cannot use with Typhoon.
Wild Charge but theres a minimum range which means u can go behind the target the same way Rogues do to bypass Dodge/Parry. Infact theres almost no way to bypass Dodge/Parry while other classes have. if you get rooted or pushed back in the moment of using it = no distance is traveled, only 1 use though (compared to the other classes thats absurd), if you use it out of form adds a global cooldown, if you use it not in cat form , adds a global cooldown to your interrupt. Add to that the travel time animation.
Skull Bash but if you’re rooted u cant interrupt, not castable out of form, Feral Charge Bear form puts it on global cooldown. Add to that the constant roots from mages and u find yourself unable to interrupt often.
Survival Instincts but 3 min CD
Barkskin but if you get silenced or interrupted you cannot use it.
Heart Of The Wild (yeeeey) but 5 min cd (boooooo)
Prowl (stealth) but no re-stealth.
Powershifting abilities (tigers fury, berserk/incarn, Prow and fluid form abilitiesl) have a bug associated with them which actually causes u to be kicked out of forms. Especially when they overlap or using in combination of fluid form. It seems the multiple commands to be inserted into the specific form bugs it out and results in you entering and exiting it resulting in a global cooldown and no effect ( meaning u are not in the form).
Incarnation but its Berserk because you didnt have enough talent points.
Berserk but you gotta invest 3 talent points just to make it work like a proper 2 min cooldown xD.
Slow effect … but its 20%.
Mortal Strike effect… and its 20 % (yey) but you gotta stack it 2 times (ewww) and it takes a pvp talent slot (ewwwwwww)
Shred but 40 energy, doesnt apply 8% dmg increase anymore, requires a bleed effect on the target to do proper combo point generator dmg.
Brutal Slash but 3 charges only.
Convoke but… random spells , can be interrupted, casting, difficult to talent into= costs too many points.Not usable outside 1v1 and 2v2.
Bear Form but its nerfed for no reason and no powershifts outside Stampeding Roar. (note: armor is bugged currently thats why bear form seems so strong but they will fix it soon) (Heart of the wild used to powershift you… no idea why everything good gets removed).
Ferocious Bite but costs 50 energy and if u use it bellow it it hits like a noodle. you also need to spec 4 talent points into it otherwise its just mediocre + 1 pvp talent slot.
Mighty Bash but you gotta sacrifice Incapacitating Roar for it.
Incapacitating Roar but you gotta sacrifice Mighty Bash for it, too short, breaks from your own bleeds resulting in CC shorter than 0.01 secs.
Dash but it doesnt work outside of Cat Form.
Tireless Pursuit but its a PvP talent instead of baseline.
Thorns but its a PvP talent instead of baseline, does negative damage, absolutely useless to pick currently.
Feral Frenzy but its 45 secs cd and has an invisible Channel time that breaks ALL THE TIME resulting in your only way to quickly generate combo points = ruined.
High Winds but it gives something laughably funny that shouldve been baseline to begin with.
Leader of the Pack but useless.
Well-honed instincts but gets canceled if it procs during you shifting/powershifting.
Lycaras Teachings but the stats is granted with 4- 10 seconds delay.
Renewal but you take 3 talents that you will absolutely never use.
And i wish i had time to write down all of the abilities and traits we lost during the expansions WHILE at the same time other classes gained modernised toolkits to deal with ANYTHING their class struggles with.
Feral druid but … only night elf cause what else is out there ?
Shadowmeld → restealth but it bugs out and kicks you out of form instead.
Hybrid class with selfhealing and offhealing as means of defense but Dampening.


ferals amazin buddy

And who asked you PvE lord ?

ferals best class eu buddy

honor level 17 goes brrrrrrrrrrrr


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