Feral too Hard to play?

In that case, it’s most definitely a skill issue. Ret paladin is still very strong at the moment. It’s also easier to play, and get good results from, than feral. (Ret is known for being one of the easiest dps specs.) A demo lock of similar ilvl will still do more dps than a ret pala on bosses with periodic add spawns because they can pad on small adds, but you shouldn’t be doing less dps than a lower geared lock.

No. Part of the reason our damage and survivability are so bad at the moment is that we have to make a choice between spending somewhere around 25% of our GCDs on damage or healing. Never mind utility in keys. Giving us the same amount of damage (relatively) for less energy means we have spare GCDs to stay alive and use utility. Part of the reason feral is struggling at the moment is that it isn’t designed to be swamped in energy, It’s meant to be a slow and meticulous playstyle… rather like a hunting cat, in fact.

How long does it take to find people for your own key? You have tried listing your own key?

I started doing M+ on my druid during BfA, and it’s never taken me 30 minutes to get an invite - 15 maybe, when I was pushing +24/25, but not as long as 30. Looking at your armory, I wouldn’t be surprised that people wouldn’t invite you, though. None of your gear is enchanted or socketed, and you’ve broken your s3 tier set. Just breaking the tier set is a big dps loss, and it suggests that you don’t know what you’re doing.

Feral isn’t hard, it just sucks, having to press 10 gcds in order to get the same damage output a DH gets by autoattacking just sucks


This is just troling…100%.

Its is most certainly not a skill issue.

Balance & Feral are bottom tier dps for both m+ and raids.

Keep this troling to yourself in the future


I think he mentioned that Feral seemed a bit undertuned, but let’s keep the conversation constructive and respectful here guys !

In my recent dungeon runs, mostly tackling 7, 8, and 9 keys, I noticed my damage output wasn’t quite up to par. Was it occasionally lagging behind Retribution Paladins or Shadow Priests? Admittedly, yes. However, I made sure to closely monitor our performances and the difference was not that big (even though i was first in dps most of the time because i did find so few people knowing how to play their spec correctly).

I had the opportunity to observe Asuna, a Fire Mage, teaming up with Meteos, a prominent League of Legends streamer, who was rocking a Feral spec. Surprisingly, he held his own, trailing by only around 10k DPS.

From what I gather, it seems the main hurdle for Feral in Season 4 lies in gear optimization. It appears crucial to secure the two fire rings and equip the Ashe trinket to truly compete at the highest levels.

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Don’t worry. I’m used to being insulted for speaking the truth on this forum.

This is a good assessment. If you’re not pushing around the 3k+ RIO level (which most of the people complaining about feral are not), you don’t get an accurate assessment of how feral (or balance) performs compared to other classes. The OP complaining about poor performance in +2 keys is a perfect example of this. Trash barely lives long enough for a couple of ticks of bleeds in that level key. Of course the front loaded dps specs will perform better.

I did a few +8 keys on my feral yesterday with some guildies on their mythic raid mains. I trailed them by 10+ ilvls, but I was still doing more dps than the DK when he played unholy. He moved ahead of me when he switched to frost, but not by a huge amount.

I was lucky enough to get the crit/mast ring from Neltharus yesterday, so I’ll probably keep running that rather than the Diurna ring. (I play with the Fyrakk tank trinket and plan to continue doing that - good as the Diurna ring is, a 100%+ absorb shield on a 90 second CD beats a much smaller, and random, absorb.) My first purchase (this week) was the Fyrakk polearm, so I’ll most likely buy the Eranog ring as my second and upgrade the Fyrakk trinket after that. I’ll avoid Ashes, just as I avoided Branch last season, because the CD is slightly longer than Incarn in M+ and holding Incarn for the trinket is frustrating.

One thing people overlook when they talk about pushing M+ and doing optimal dps is that gearing for survival is huge. Running a tank trinket and a good amount of versatility can make the difference between living and dying, and the massive trash pulls that are needed to time high keys already favour feral. All we need is to stay alive and keep spamming Primal Wrath.

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Go to warcraft logs and look at the dps charts and Tell me Now what the top warlock dps is and the top paladin dps, and then call the paladin a skill issue. FYI my lvl 450 geared hunter is out dpsing 476 classes because of insane beast cleave kill command damage on every pull. They mist have a skill issue right? I use hekili, I couldn’t f up my rotation if I tried… You are blatantly defending WoW’s imbalance for so e reason and I WANTA TO KNOW Why?

And what, is the purpose of ramp up damage? If a front loaded char does upfront damage and a druid has ramp up but when a long fight happens and the front loaded class is still doing more dps, what, is the actual point in making a class have ramp damage? It has no benefit of the end result is not better.


Really? When I tried to use Hekili to teach me arcane mage, it told me to press the wrong thing at least half the time. I dumped it and actually took the time to learn the specs I wanted to play instead.

Meanwhile, here I sit in a break between mythic Rashok pulls, looking at the pink bar sitting across the top of details…

Demonology warlock max dps 470k
Ret paladin max dps 341k
Feral druid 336k

As for hekili it always gives me the best possible dps on ret or feral. And outside of thay how the hell do you run around a raid fight dodging 1000 mechanics that can 1 shot you while not messing up a rotations, while remembering all your skills, tracking all your dots and procs…

I play FFXIV and am able to play thay hame without any addons and top the parse as my main classes often against even geared players, the game is designed without the need for weak auras and dbm.

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It’s not about that tho is it. I had to get an ADDON to HIDE dmg numbers because in mythics when groups are pulled and I AOE my entire screen is numbers, covering the mobs, the ground aoes etc etc. so I lit needed an ADDON just to see the game…

And lets not talk about how druids get 1 shot from mechanics paladins can just be like oh look I lost health, WoG.

Asmongold often talks about the over the top unnecessary complexity of raids etc these days, complexity doesn’t = fun, as classic wow shows or ffxiv.


Feral undeniably ranks as one of the squishiest specializations across both PvE and PvP. The reason behind our vulnerability stems from sharing defensive abilities with every other specialization within the Druid class, particularly the Bear. Survival Instincts, for instance, is tailored to be ‘balanced’ across all specializations, which, I believe, is a flawed approach.

I advocate for a paradigm shift where each specialization possesses its own distinct ‘emergency button,’ finely tuned to cater to its unique needs and expectations. Presently, Feral suffers from being underpowered, a condition so dire that even our Boomkin counterparts face significant challenges due to poorly tuned tier sets.

Nevertheless, there’s still room for competitiveness. While scrutinizing the logs might suggest other specializations boast superior damage outputs, it’s important to note that such high parses represent only a fraction of players. In reality, each specialization typically falls within the median range of 300-400k damage output in raids, showcasing a more balanced landscape.


You don’t need an addon for that. You just need to use the console command to disable floating combat text.

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Just did a Mythhic +2

I was 484 and did 170 mill dmg .
Warlock 486 did 235 million dmg.
HOLY PRIEST 485 Healer did 130 million dmg.

Just such imbalance in this game…

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Indeed there is. Some players are good and some players rely on addons to tell them which buttons to press.

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addon will always be better, no matter how good you are and sorry, you play the 2 button easiest to play class in the game, you can’t actually say anything on the matter, feral is 100x more complex and harder to play than that 2 button class…

Sorry but you’re in so much denial you can’t se the flaws in the game and refuse to accept theres a HUGE dps difference between classes at even the 1% top level.


He is just trolling to get attention…flag him for trolling + put him on indefinite ignore.

Spend your time/energyh on discussing with people who actually want the game to get better :wink:

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And which class would that be?

Baiting trolls is fun, though.

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DH. Easiest class to play in the game.

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Yeah, I thought you’d say that.

Assuming I play DH just because I post on the forum with one requires about the same amount of thinking as letting an addon do your rotation for you.

Edit: I cba with you, I’m ignoring you from now on BB, enjoy your life.

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