Thanks for letting me know you’re ignoring me
why you bought that one?
Isn’t the other one with the dmg on use a lot stronger? Dajuun or what the name was
sims are probably off but in aoe it sims at least 30k dps higher than rashon
just says that the dps are terrible at the game.
If the group is not taking a lot of dmg and I can fully dps the whole dungeon on my holy priest I do about 100k dps overall (493 gear)
On my shaman I can do 130k (510 ilvl)
but dps players in my keys tend to do 300-500k dps overall (depending on dungeons an pulls etc.)
if the players are good, they usually stay in close proximity of 3% of each other.
But I also had a frost dk in 470 gear that did 30k dps. How? Yea I wonder because I think if you just would autoattack you would do more than that.
Some people are just not good it is fact.
The dmg balance isn’t all that bad. The balance that makes your class viable for highest content is pretty bad though, but it has more to do with survivability and utility rather than damage
Stop using addons to tell you what to do. I have exceeded 200k dps in feral since season 3 without any addon…
We literally have 4 builders, two of which are used every 10/15 seconds and 3 spenders, one of which is exclusively multitarget and two exclusively single target.
You add 2 major CDs every 30 seconds and 2 CDs every 2 mins and that’s it!
We must not forget that feral is very dependent on stats and trinkets, if you do not have at least 5k mastery and 3k crit, your dps will not take off
Because it sims higher for my feral, in both AOE and ST. Why else would I have bought it?
maybe because some people don’t like active buttons?
Just surprised how it can sim higher for you if it sims 30k dps higher for me. (5+ targets)
Originally I also wanted to buy rashon but I saw every single feral bought the other weapon then I simmed it and got to a similar result.
So I was just wondering.
This is DPS from warcraft logs, not a dungeon parse. This is showing what the best warlocks are doing and the best paladins, druids etc are doing, So if the BEST druid in the WORLD is doing that much less than the best warlock, then what? all feral and paladin players are natuarally much worse players than warlock players, ALL across the entire globe?
I don’t sim 5+ targets. I create a route for MDT sim and use that. The 5+ targets sim is a tiny snapshot and doesn’t reflect overall damage in any actual scenario.
i dont check raid logs as i dont raid.
i can only talk about the decent players i meet in my pug groups.
destro locks for example tend to be pretty bad because you have to play around them, while ret always does good dmg because the have heavy burst no matter the target count.
the thing i often notice is that some rets do terrible st dmg and others are blasting in ST as well. I assume it is mostly stats as the rotation is so simple there is not that much you can do wrong
It’s probably talent choices. There are a lot of talents you can swap in the ret tree that make it more AOE or ST focused. You always sacrifice one for the other, but a good ret player will look at the group comp (especially on a tyrannical week) to see how much AOE they can afford to sacrifice to do more damage to bosses.
I just did a dungeon with a warlock who did tons more dmg than my balance druid with judt rain of fire alone. Also they do insane up front burst with chaos bold, they on 10 mill before I hit 1 mill sometimes. Moonfire. Need to be aoe like sunfire for a start, tab spamming Moonfire 20 times per pull is atrocious…
Why would you tab when you you can just use a macro to be able to use abilities on mouseover ?
It was a +2. Of course they did more damage than you. Their AOE is all instant. In a key that level, the trash is all dead before you’ve even finished spreading Moonfire.
I kept up the destro lock I played with this evening in a +8… just about, and I had to work for it. If the trash pulls had even lasted 10 seconds longer, it would have been very different.
because 20 enemies in 1 spot on the tank is unclickable, especially when moving around. The UI is such a mess most of the time and thats evenw ith dmg numbers and most debuffs hidden from plater.
There’s not much point in responding to Elresia. They’re just looking for someone to agree with them.
Agreed ! We’ve wasted too much time already haha
No spec is too hard to play nowadays, but being the only remaining spec with real snapshotting makes Feral a bit more challenging imho. And yet easier specs do more damage, that’s unfair tbh.
And yet the snapshotting is the thing that makes feral so special and fun for me. (That and being a cat, of course.)
Might aswell not play the game if you’re using Hekili.
I’d rather them make the game easier to read, simpler to follow and rotations to not need weak auras just to track all the buffs/debuffs/procs etc.
I’ll give you an example, When the FREE FB procs from rip, I have no idea it procs, even the weak aura was tiny box, so I had to download another weak aura to put the old style proc textures on screen to show this. One of the most important prics on feral doesnt even have a default build in proc effect. This is just one example of hundreds that makes the game not fun to play.
Even trying to track and apply rake to every target is super annoying and hard to see, even hekili can’t fix this problem 100% as you can get into a tab tab tab tab tab situation trying to find the next rake target.
There is the plater addon where you can configure this.
Look at Cheesey’s plater profile for example, it changes the color of the health bar if there is no rake on the target