Ferals can hit completely thru die by the sword now?

Thank you very much Egzørcysta.

I’m really amazed that, when I read

the answer from several different people is “LOL BRO U HAVE 3K AND U DIDN’T KNOW IT HITS IN THE BACK”

Some people have either skipped school at the age when you learn how to read properly, or are downright stupid.


Thx. Usually dont get any cover from other ppl in the forum. Just this … ppl al the time. Makes no sense to answer even when u see this kind of stupid answers.

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You can get hit from stealth regardless of having parry up, so potentially he restealthed in incarn, and ferocious bite from stealth?

Stealth doesn’t give spells the ability to bypass parry and dodge mechanics. It’s specific spells that bypass parry and dodge, and most of those that do come from stealth. But it’s not due to stealth itself.

Hmm… Not sure about this… I’ve never had an issue doing what I said because I’ve done it, but maybe I was behind the target. I usually Rake or Cheap Shot, those are probably the abilities you’re referring to.

Cheap shot goes thru evasion no matter of stealth. I didnt got rake stunned.

The scenario was that i chased a feral in the mines bg (rnd bg) who seemed to have not much gear. He wanted to get water cart so i chased him. Hit him a bit and he kept running, then he turned after a while, i bladestormed, he was 50% i parried right before spinn ended so i cant get stunned and im able to finish him from 50%. Then he just run a few meters in front of me the entire time doing dmg rotation and i droped from 100 to 30. xD I couldnt believe what happened and checked details. Saw several bites.

Edit: Maybe i checked the wrong feral (cant rly imagine) and i dropped thru incarn dots that got applied during spinn when parrie wasnt up. But as he had bad gear and i legit walled at full hp out of spinn this would be wild too. What is sure is that i started dropping hp from 100% when parrie was alrdy up.

I am sure.

Cheap Shot can indeed not be dodged or parried no matter what, and the same goes for Shadowstrike, Garrote and Ambush.

Maybe Rake from stealth now has that property as well but I doubt it because I’m very sure I have pre evaded Feral openers many times. It could be a new addition with TWW though, but I don’t think so.

I’ve never missed a rake from stealth unless a priest has faded it with Phase Shift. Been like that for as long as I can remember. I always just assumed it was any ability from stealth because I’ve never had something parried from stealth.

Pretty sure rake can be parried from stealth if it isnt from the back ofc. If my brain doesnt troll me i pre parried plenty meld rake stuns from the front.

Edit: Im certain. If you could stun thru it good ferals would often meld rake my parrie just like rogues cheap shot it. Definitely not the case.

Strange, I’ve been incarning, stealth, Rake on Die by the Sword, Evasion and Fists of Fury… Maybe I’ve just been super lucky XD

Some people are !

Trashmaster Cubitus

But also Rayaren :

So what is it, yes or no for tuning ?

The rest I’ve got no problem with. If feral is clunky then yes rework.
But why wait for reworks to tune your spec ? that I really don’t get.

Doesnt matter, because pvp isnt just 3v3 as we can clearly see statisticly.
Ferals being able to obtain r1 isnt a good argument either.
Feral was always the first to flop statistically again.
Feral always had low participation and the people on top are the same 10 dudes who got multiple druids. Dont believe me ? compare their achievements.

Terrorize the forums?
I’ve never found success ?
The overexhaggeration that you need to form an argument is so amusiong, buddy i reach my goal every season. Im currently 2.6.
Last season i was 2.4 , previously 2.3 and 2.2.
Yes, i dont play 3v3. My schedule is completely quacked and i simply cant affort it aside from that i got 2.3-2.6 xp in any other bracket ,2v2,shuffle, blitz, 10v10.
Aside from that im no Blizzcon contestant and if you gonna go for my neck over a silly joke, by all means do so but dont forget your toons are also hidden.

yOuR eGo IS wIld.
Dude you literally troll thread after thread and you gonna go after a silly sentence i wrote?
Dude i just dropped an icebreaker, a meme, a joke. I didnt insult the guy, nor i disrespected him.
You’re the one morally policing me over a joke after which i continued with a proper argumentation and explaining my side, a proof that i was respectable.
My joke contained a compliment too.

Look, warriors got the tools to beat ferals, absolutely.
Is it as simple as that , no ? u better be able to trinket when hes opening up with Berserk though.
Its not like warriors dont have 123123 charges , 70% perma , undispellable slow from bladestorm, reflect , aoe fear and stunlock mechanics.

Ferals don’t have added melee range anymore :d unless you mean you bled out ofc

But did you check the tabard bro?

it’s the wow forums, so it’s both


Yeah thats hard to believe. Im fully geared, I dont just smoke warriors. Again im not gasslighting you- feral dmg needs tuning, and feral needs a rework as i said earlier but the only scenario i can imagine you flopping like this is you not reacting to Incarn in time or he had Berserk buff and got lucky crits.
Sorry this happened but again, people dont vaulch for reworks enough.
Rework feral and this wont happen again.
The only reason feral gets out of hand everytime is due to number buffs to compensate for the design flaws.
Its a lazy solution.

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You start to annoy me. Learn reading and then come back.


I don’t want to sound like a smartas*** but Fmp is way better than jungle since Dragonflight until now

but Jungle is also really good now

yeah but keep in mind the random ingame bug/lag what appears sometimes where people starting teleporting around like they came out of an anime opening