Ferals can hit completely thru die by the sword now?

why are there so many people suddenly playing the most difficult class in the game?
and also whats exactly difficult about feral. keeping dots up and then pressing bite? the fact that the dots still can snapshot? or is reshfting to bear when ur healer in cc is difficult?

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Feral had only high participation in the 2 seasons when it was buffed and broken.
Rogue for comparison is played in all seasons evenly at all ratings but as we can clearly see very few tame the sub rogue spec.
Start of Df and the start of this one were these seasons i was refering to earlier.
Feral snapshotting doesnt work, it only works for assigned talents like tigers fury and bloody talons.
And Bear Form is nerfed for comparrison Bear Form armor is only 10% higher than the average plate wearer.
Bear form healing(20%) is actually 5 % lower than the average Crimson Vial (25% )rogues have and infact has higher CD and uses up 2 global cooldowns as for rogues its just one, along with the complication of having to be in the form itself.
Aside from that feral wall is 3 mins and Heart is of cd of shockingly 5mins and the only melee that has no immunities including dodge/parry mechanics where now in the modern version of the game these mechanics got a secondary function in each of these classes too:
Evasion is 100% dodge but also reduces 20% spell damage on 2 min cd.
Blur 50% dodge with 30% all dmg reduction on 1 min cd and can auto proc if youre unable to press it.
Die by the Sword 100% parry plus 30% dmg reduction on 2min cd.
Enha Shaman is behind admitedly and needs a rework too but even it has Burrow.
Feral is really hard to play, theres a huge button bloat of spells on top of which effects may not yield any results.
Feral toolkit is abysmally primitive which may fit the theme but definetely do not reflect the times if we compare it to other classes.
Ive spoken about sub rogue earlier and id like to give another comparison as an example:
During season 3 , as i was playing my 10th year of feral always aroung 2.2-2.4 , i got fed up of this primitive toolkit and i made a sub rogue for this exact reason 2 weeks in aftet leveling i was above my mains rating.
So if feral was so easy to be played that wouldnt be the case in my perception.

Listen dude, with all honesty in my mind i was just making a joke, an icebreaker if u will.
Sorry if i annoyed you- it really wasnt my intention.
But in short to call out for nerfs because someone went through your DBTS and call for nerfs over a 1v1 scenario is not sufficient of an argument regardless of your high xp, your Highness

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because pvp participation is low this season , if people played pvp since mmr is being capped at 2100 mmr and people quit until blizzard decides to uncap the mmr
funny seeing a affly complain about feral.

simple to explain , you have to maintain rake and rip ,moonfire and frenzy on target and use bite time to time, cc the healer with cyclone , when you face ret ,fury you have to peel with clones and vortex and try to offheal even tho feral healing is non existable since warriors, mages and even enha shamans have better healing than druid atm , we got like 6 different talent nodes to buff our healing recieved by % and energy regen nodes not to mention 3 different talents for our main cd which is ridiculous , so much dead talents that could be made baseline .

Mobility? nah fury will just sit on you tunnel vision you while doing his rotation moving back and forth like a script bot not getting punished at all.

feral druid mobility is stuck in 2012 meanwhile other melee got modern toolkit,

like imagine playing a hybrid spec seeing idk a mage or a warrior outhealing you passivley or every other hybrid in the game like shaman and ret as they both have immunity and you being the only hybrid in the game with non existant self healing and no immunity and every melee can easly connect to you.

If enemy sits on feral entire game , the team that has feral will lose , just cc feral’s healer and have gos on him and gg wp

im not saying feral damage is not broken atm , but we are atleast killable compare to other offenders here like frost mage or sub rogue, fury warrior etc


Exactly what i was trying to communicate.
Its crazy that people dont understand that aside from Maim and Clone , the damage buff is the only positive thing about feral.
Feral has no traits it excels in,
its a shocker to people but - mobility is redundant. In current WoW its far more important to be out of GCD and on the spot the moment things are happening instead of trying to go in and out of form 4 times to move 10 yards in the matter of 5 seconds while at the time of your arrival you’re GCD’d.
People dont even know that Bear Charge shares GCD with Interrupt.
And that frost mage procs bug out ferals Interrupt for its a form of charge, meaning you will never interrupt on time vs frost mages.
Aside from the occasional Feral Charge which gets interrupted middle- way to the target by a random freeze proc or a knockback.
Truth is 90% of the classes got the tools to counter-play just by spaming their rotation.
The only reason this doesnt happen is because feral damage is bussin rn.
I WANT feral damage to be proper, i dont want it to be broken.
But in order for nerfs to happen - this entire spec needs a rework.


exactly , we need our regrowth buffed and remove healing recieved based by % talents from the tree , buff energy regen flat and remove energy regain based on % talents , make predatory swiftness baseline and not a talent.

in bfa my hard cast regrowth healed for 25% of my hp now its like 5%
my instant cast used to heal for 20% of my hp not its 2%

imagine how bad it feels and facing a warrior outhealing you or a mage outhealing with alter and block.

our forms are on gcd so everytime we break root/ snare we risk a gcd and if we get caught in bad situation it can be really punishing

what feral needs is buff duration of Survival Instinct from 6 sec to 12 sec , reduce cd of it from 3 mins to 1.5m cd

Buff regrowth on self by 150% or idk how much to make it heal us for 20% hp not 2%
and ofc damp would affect this

Extra charge of Wild Charge

bring back legion artifact node when you have rip applied on your target bypass 5% armour

and 100% dodge when you swap forms , that would have 30 sec cooldown so you couldnt spam it.

would be cool if we also had 2 charges of Vortex to counterplay the mobility of current melee

make a talent that makes our roots witstand more damage so they dont insta break just like lock/warrior/priest fears etc

give us back 5 yard range talent back

and also give us new pvp talents of some sort.

worst offender on feral tree , 3 different talent nodes to make your berserk a cd -.-

bake all 3 nodes into 1 and have space for new talent ideas

I asked if they can go thru it now. I didnt say anything about nerfs. Youre totally insane.

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First of all its 20% reduction, and second it does not proc if you are unable to press it, because that talent is on the same node as netherwalk. Blur is a horrible defensive against non melee, much worse than barkskin.

fair but blur + netherwalk is really good combined with occasional metamorphosis and vengeful retreat.

If rework= true = tuning
if rework= false = no tuning.
Were you trying to point out some inconsistency of what im saying or ?

It is clunky.
We got this forumer culture where we dont care what happens to the other classes as long as its not the classes we are playing but thats unproductive, toxic and quite frankly only gives Blizzard the option to give you lazy solution as you pay monthly and buy expansions.
I cant tell you how many times i’ve pressed on “buy” with the single hope my class will finally work properly.
I bet many enchancement shaman mains feel the same, so do frost dks and shadow priests.

But what if they get tuned down BEFORE rework ? I don’t see how that’s an issue (like if you underperform, we tune you up).
Off topic, are you german ?

well i always was playing around r1 shuffle ratings and there were many ferals and playing with them was satisfying enough for an aff because they enabled me to play the game by spamming clones and eating all interrupts

shockingly feral was never unviable and it all came down to skill check even in its worst state, so u being 2.4 is u being 2.4 not “the spec is unable to climb to 3k”
and to be honest 2.4-2.6 is the rating where i could just stay in the middle without turning my camera(so i could only attack people in front of me outside of putting dots)/kiting ever and still win because people were clueless there
nowadays its fotm op broken spec which is played by 50% of ladder
try queuing 3s u will face jungle/fmp half the time
but surely these people just love the challenge of playing a difficult spec yeah

Dude of the 3 times ive encountered u non of what you say is factual.
Stop bothering me.
i intentionally ignore you.

  • The Dunning-Kruger effect is a phenomenon illustrating that those who are overconfident in their ability may not actually be the top performers, whereas those who believe they are average, or even slightly below, often demonstrate great skill.

haven seen allot of rogue/afflis dk/bm hunter, rmp maybe we are playing a different game, i saw more dk/bms than jungles im at 2170 mmr ca

U dont know how feral works likely he stunned u feral frenzied and did adaptive swarm u should of trinketed and altered. Or just blocked. Either ur terrible at mage or u dnt know how feral works like i said. I own ferals on my mage

oh look at that, someone posting from a lvl 20 characters saying how good he is, what are the odds.


I said nothing about how gd I am just I own them on my mage. Nothing about wht I said is true ur playing against them wrong and thts the bottom line of things.

Are you sure that you are not tripping?

yeah, every mage knows ferals are free kills 1v1, how could a mage ever even lose to a feral

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