Firstly, Nice to see that mount options have been added into Classic, I am all for it and honestly, its a vast upgrade on the glider from the digital CE edition which I thought was yuk! (personal opinion)
Sadly, this post is alittle moan, took a look today and discovered its only obtainable with a 12 month sub at £104.
Now, I get it, in the long run, it works out cheaper than buying monthly but wow guys, in the middle of a cost of living crisis close to Christmas that’s a fair chunk of change to be asking people to pay and in my view, irrsponsible to pressure players to spend that much.
Now me, I won’t be bothering, I tend to buy my subs in 6 month hits, it more manageable for me but I see this and cannot help but think that there will be some people who collect mounts and feel compelled to get this when they really cannot afford it and yes, I get it, that is down to them and they should have some self control but look at the bigger picture here. I fully expect backlash on this and this post isn’t a “Hurrr durrh Blizz make mount cheaper please” its a going forward, can you please considder the wider picture and if you plan to continue to inject things like this into the game, don’t gate lock them buy forcing people to pay upfront for 12 months…
Should be 24-months so the clown make-up is impossible to ignore in the mirror for the people who swallow the bait.
Game has tons of problems, but here, take a year worth of subscription for a re-coloured mount. That will surely get them going on the bugs and problems!
Known to who? I haven’t seen anything offical to suggest that they don’t read feedback on the forums - Even if there is a small chance they do, it was worth 5mins of my time to share my feedback, if not then heck, I have only wasted 5mins.
Oh agreed which is why I didn’t bother getting this.
My point like I said above though isn’t about me moaning about how expensive it is to get teh mount, its about Blizzard not looking at the bigger pictures.