Thanks for checking out the post. So I am part of a group of hc raiders which atm there is 4 of us but could be more in the future. So we are looking to do AOTC, in a calm and fun raid atmosphere. Mythic raiding is fine… but we are not that bothered about it. It would be fine but have to be a nice place to be. We are willing to move servers to a high pop server as we are kinda bored of the low pop ones now as they dont offer us very much.
Hey there, Five finger! I might be a whole week late, but I was curious if you still were looking? We’re currently looking for some players to finish our roster and just chillfully delve into Mythic content, as we’re just like you, we are not bothered by it. I added you as pAce, I hope to hear from you!
New Started Hc raiding guild, that gonna push mythic later, we got 9/9 hc downed and recruiting everything for our raid grps! first raid will start this friday! /w me for more info, we also have discord channel.
Add Holleholle#4203 on discord or Holle#2971 ingame
Hey dude …we’re over on draenor a new guild made by some old friends.
Two Dollys One Dot.9/9N 7/9H Raid days Wed/Mon 8pm-11pm server time. a new guild looking for members to join for Raiding and M+ in S2. Poke for an inv, socials & alts welcome. pogodamonkey #2210
We smash is currently looking for dps players for our raiding roster on Kazzak. Feel free to add me on battlenet pacifix#21507 or discord xpacifix so we can have a chat
Above the Lore are a newly formed but quickly growing guild on Stormscale EU (high horde population), we are due to start raiding this weekend, hmu to talk and see if you think we are right for you and your friends
Hi Fivefinger
What did the five fingers say to the face? just got this vid in my head when i saw ur name!
Anyway we are a normal/ raiding guild with curve being the main goal, anything after that is a bonus and time based! We are looking for long term members and raiders to cap off the team, would be a pelasure to chat more about u and ur teams availibility.
We havea great bunch of people that are friendly and welcoming, normally always stream our raids so u can check the vibe we get going on our sessions (Razorstorm ~ twitch)
We are looking for mainly DPS atm with a possible healing spot opening if ur group were to sign up.
Ive added u on battle net for a chat, my Discord is also razorstorm1