There’s so many bugs currently in-game. The following two are the one’s bothering me the most atm:
One that’s getting me is not being able to see my numbers on my health and mana bars.
Then, sometimes the AOE spell indicator disappears.
Players are behaving in degenerate ways in Outlands - im trying to mine but I can’t because what few nodes there are, people are legit waiting for you to get into combat so they can take the ore? There’s no nodes because players are SOMEHOW just mining them and phasing away? All the bots running rampant and you can see the programs they use are trying to make them look normal but they’re still so bad, getting caught on small bits of tree and building.
Can this game be looked at properly just for a bit? Getting really irksome.
Yeah, the amount of bugs in Cata Classic is annoying, and not worthy for a product that we pay a monthly subscription for.
One thing that really bothers me is that my character and target portraits reset position every time I log in or reload the game. I would like to use the Blizzard standard UI for this, but really considering getting some addon for these instead. Having to reposition my UI 10+ times a day is not sustainable in the long run.
Edit: As for the numbers on the character portrait, to my knowledge it affects everyone.
There is a workaround for this though. Put this in a macro, press it and mouseover your portrait, and it will be fixed.
/run SetTextStatusBarText(PlayerFrameManaBar, PlayerFrameManaBarText) SetTextStatusBarText(PlayerFrameHealthBar, PlayerFrameHealthBarText)
Keep in mind it also resets every time you reload or relog, so you need to press this frequently.
Thank you!
It’s a bit of a shame that we’ve still got this bug after a week on a paid product but I think they dont really care because we have access to like 4 versions of wow.
The team is likely tiny … lol
That would be just way too abusable, as then people would bl all dungeons except whatever they need gear from and just spam queue that one until it drops.