Fifty Sixth - Gilded Lions [Guild Recruitment]

Join the Fifty-Sixth Today!

The Fifty-Sixth, publicly known as the Gilded Lions is a wing of the Alliance Military, acting as a strike force, under orders of the Crown and Alliance High Command for a plethora of actions such as disruption, reinforcement, determent and support.


The Fifty-Sixth was established as a strike force due to the ongoing war with the Horde, many Alliance soldiers have fallen to the ongoing conflict, so much so that civilian enlistments are being sent to the front lines. High Command issued the establishment of the Fifty-Sixth with the intention of applying severe pressure to the Horde and their military capability, be it directly, or through disruption of supplies, along with ensuring that the growing threat of the Scarlets does not reach a severe boiling point and bubble over into the ongoing war, in turn creating more problems for the Alliance.

Our Duty

Disruption - Perhaps the most prominent objective the Fifty-Sixth will be partaking in, this will be performed against the Horde, primarily against their supply lines and war front encampments. This objective will focus on destroying or cutting off Horde supply camps or routes, in turn preventing soldiers from licking their wounds after an Alliance victory.

Reinforcement - Another important objective of the Fifty-Sixth, Reinforcement is of course rather self-explanatory, the regiment will be sent around various war fronts and areas of conflict to act as short-term support in order to push attackers back and solidify solid ground for future assaults.

Determent - An objective that holds less importance at current than the previous two objectives, though still one in which Command has made abundantly clear is to be made a focus, the determent of hostile factions, primarily the Scarlet Crusade. With remnants of the Crusade amassing North of the Eastern Kingdoms, they’ve been causing trouble for Alliance soldiers in the area along with innocents that do not agree with their twisted views, the Fifty-Sixth has been ordered to put focus on preventing the Crusade and any other hostile factions using the war to benefit their own agenda.

Support - While this may seem to be the same as reinforcing, support does not focus on entering in to an already ongoing conflict, but rather accompanying other regiments on campaigns and into battle from the very beginning, aiding the accompanied regiments in destroying Horde supplies, establishing footholds, creating diversions and so on, while it is not expected to be a main part of the regiments duties, it is still a possibility that High Command will issue missions to accompany other regiments in these endeavors.


Commander - The top of the pile within the Fifty-Sixth, the Commander oversees operations, acts as a direct link to the Crown and Command, handles meetings and promotions, is responsible for serious decisions and maintains order within the officer team.

Captain - The Second-In-Command of the Fifty-Sixth, the Captain is responsible for performing the duties of the Commander should they be absent at any time, in turn, the Captain handles the same duties as the Commander, and aids the Commander in their duties.

Lieutenant - Responsible for overseeing the troops, along with Sergeants, a Lieutenant’s duties revolve around the men and women of the Fifty-Sixth, they are the primary line of contact between the lower ranks and the Commander, along with handling any training incidents outwith the Sergeants authority.

Sergeant - The training officers of the Fifty-Sixth, Sergeants are primarily responsible for the discipline and training of all those below. Sergeants also act as the first line of contact for the lower ranked troops, before Lieutenants, if the Sergeant is unable to handle problems brought to them, they as such report in to a Lieutenant.

Corporal - The backbone of the regiment, Corporals are the line between officers and enlisted personnel, their duty is to support Sergeants in day to day activities, along with being the lowest rank which can handle enlistment of new recruits without superior permission.

Lance-Corporal - Duties are very similar to that of a Corporal, save for restrictions, a Lance-Corporal is simply a Corporal in training, a PFC which has proven themselves capable and as such has been given the chance to step forth into the boots of an Officer. Lance-Corporals must be approved by a Sergeant or higher before they can enlist new recruits themselves.

First-Class - A Private of the First-Class is rather simple, a private that has proven themselves above the call and duty of a simple Private, displaying great potential and discipline, the step just before gaining the potential to undergo officer training as a Lance-Corporal

Private - The first step towards becoming a fully fledged soldier, Privates are the meat and bones of the regiment, without them there would be no regiment, they serve as the primary combative force of the Fifty-Sixth.

Enlisted - Newly recruited military personnel, to be promoted from an Enlisted Recruit is rather simple should the soldier prove capability in combative skills and military knowledge.

Supporter - Non-Military personnel, the job of a supporter is very simple, to make use of the skills they have available to support the regiment, be they alchemists, cartographers, diplomats, tacticians, etc.


The Fifty-Sixth are currently operating out of Westbrook and are frequently around the Cathedral Square, should anyone wish to be enlisted into the ranks, simply look for a Corporal or higher wearing our regimental surcoat. Enlistment will not be offered to neutral parties that do not hold Alliance citizenry, those with recent criminal records of a severe nature, murder being one example, or those who have been dishonorably discharged.


Attire - While partaking in enlistment runs, training, missions, meetings or any other regimental setting, it is expected of you to wear a colour scheme of blue with silver or gold and our regimental surcoat.

Respect - It is expected at ALL times to be respectful to your comrades and the general public and to act with discipline and professionalism. Any attacks on another comrade will see disciplinary actions issued depending on severity. Any attacks on the local public without reason will see severe disciplinary actions issued followed by immediate discharge, depending on severity.

Orders - While in uniform, orders given by superiors are to be followed at all times, should you have any issues with an order, it is to be reported to a greater superior as soon as possible. Insubordination will not be tolerated, especially on the field.

Disciplinary - Upon enlisting, you agree to discipline, should any actions that poorly represent the regiment be performed, appropriate discipline will be issued. Physical discipline WILL be performed under certain circumstances, attacking a comrade or member of the public without suitable reason is one such circumstance.


As a quick OOC note in regards to any level requirements or race restrictions, there are none, so long as your character is an Alliance citizen and not a neutral party, you are legible to join the guild.

For IC enlistment don’t be afraid to contact me on Discord at LordBingo#8421 or ask anyone from the guild who’s online to pass you to an officer!


Very in depth recruitment post! Wish you all the best!

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Too late my good doggo.
Can’t wait to have you all on the pyre. Recruit well, we need more funs :3

For the Alliance, thy shall feel our wrath! ;D

Don’t get too carried away, you’re mine.

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OOC Character name

Commander - Mìchàèl
Captain - AlastaĂŻr

Sending an IC letter to either of these two is also an option to get IC enlistment set up.

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