Final Wish: Long Beards for Humans!

I don’t even play human but I’m all for this. I think it would let a lot of people play that Gandalf type character that I’m sure a lot of WoW players would be into.

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I support this

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Apparently it makes sense for Blizzard to give us elven ears for Humans BEFORE the iconic long beard fantasy. They just can’t be serious. The funniest part of this all is that I suspect they do not give us the long beards just so they won’t appear like they listened to me.

Prove me wrong, Blizzard.

I agree, and also ironically since the beginning of this thread from 2021 for the time it took get here we would all grown long beards by now but in game humans still lack long beard options :man_mage:

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Yes, agreed. Long beards! Even though I love the pointy ears a lot. The beard option are now lacklustre.


The pointy ears are certainly welcome, as they give us the opportunity to roleplay as more Tolkien-like Elven figures, or half elves, for that matter.

But, speaking of Tolkien’s work, we must not, can not, forget about the most glorious beards of the Istari. We should be able to resemble Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, etc.

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Also Tom Bombadil cool character :smiley:

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Blizz just open a real cash barber shop for these guys eh

Do the shareholders know your ignoring a cash cow like this?

Long beards $20

Go blizz Gooooooo

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we should have had long beards years ago. Its part of the original fantasy for classes that are spell chuckers.


Sadly, this is the only language Blizzard understands :money_mouth_face:

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Hi, will there be a beard potion in Siren Island?

The Vrykul shall also make an appearance there…


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I didn’t see any long beards on that roadmap…

Another time my dear human friend.

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You know, a guy a while ago asked about the title “Final Wish? Are you dying?”

Funnily enough, I doubt Blizzard is giving any of us the beards within the time window of, say, this century. I don’t know about you, I don’t think I will be playing this game forever, all the way unto my deathbed. I’m getting rather irritated at their STUBBORNNESS. Even a halfwit could think “Oh, should we put Gandalf’s beard in the game?”. Just put it in there, it has been 20 years! Good grief.

…Another time. Hmph.

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Dont lose hope my good sir. It is still possible in future get zz top wizards in wow too :slight_smile:

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Hi there just checking in because I want my majestic beard, and I mean now

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While I have been making an effort, these past few weeks it has been a little difficult for me to be active on the forums, or otherwise. I want to make it clear, however, that no matter how long my breaks may be, the movement will not halt its advance. There is no stopping our inevitable coming. Keep the flame lit.
In the words of Muse:

"They will not force us!
They will stop degrading us!
They will not control us!
We will be victorious!"

So come on!
#LongBeardsForHumans #LBFH

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Sorry, best we can do is add Facial hair to Females.

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