Finally decent Buff

More armor will not save you at all, nor will more health. Damage reduction, shields/absorptions, that can get you somewhere, but armor? Plate wearers , once run out of “gas” (cooldowns) die just as fast as cloth wearers in the same situation…
The problem with soul link is that you need your demon pet for it and they just die to AoE even after the damage reduction buff they got recently.

I agree on the health thing, I still miss life tap because currently I dont even care about my mana bar it’s never empty and basically only matters if I spam drain life permanently or respec for a few seconds.

Unbound will and blood horror was both fair though . I still dont get why wed need blood fear if we have howl also it’s not like warlock struggling into casters its melee warlock hates

Demo - doesn’t need survive, demo is actually able to survive right now x10 more than the other specs but its issues for being viable are around damage and pet reliance which brings more than just the player into the mix for effectiveness, pet ai is awful to rely on in pvp.

Affliction plays really well into casters but struggles with melee training by being glass. Instant fear will make it stronger vs what it’s good at already imho not melee, we have howl for that.

Destro lost its root and you can feel the loss very much right now it was a strong outplay tool in the kit

That’s why we need blood Fear, this would help against the melee meta.
Life giving us the Shadowfury talent baseline and instead we have there Blood Fear.
Blood Horror will be a pvp Talent and for that we get demon armor baseline.
So we can’t have instant Fear, MC or HoT together

Gimme shadowfury istant and i’m happy also with low armor :smiley:

The issue I see with blood fear though is it’s probably not going to fix melee training, like fear gets dispelled or immuned often the fact youd trade hp for it only to be against a warrior is going to make it not helpful. It’s only going to give you power against casters /healers most the time, I recall the biggest perk b fear gave was making it impossible to pillar hug fears or fear spells like a poor mans interrupt.

Blood fear wont help you with melee it will help you fight casters that’s what it was strong into and as I already mentioned warlock currently plays strong into casters, that’s actually what warlock thrives against. Maybe shadowfury instant would help more because that was pretty dope vs melee cleaves allowing you to land a cast off the stun

As a final note, demon armour actually does pull weight, the issue with it is it scales really hard with gear so you will see more net gain later on than now for having it. I notice the difference with /without DA now just the same as every expansion warlock suffers the issue of time- we rarely have a good s1

I know that it is strong but back than im mop we where strong even without, but now we are only a tiny shadow of the MoP Version.
So giving it to us now wouldn’t be that op, and for me it was also useful against melee. But then we need better passive life Regeneration. Like Syphon Life as a passive effect on all our dmg. And as an replacement we can have Soul Swap.

even if they don’t give us soul link they need to revert the BFA nerf on soul leech and we should be fine I believe

I can’t remember that nerf, but I think demon skin should be baseline. And Dark Regeneration sound replace it, burning rush also baseline and in its place Soul link

they did when they nerfed flash point back in s4 they also nerfed soul leech with it aswell

THis is actually the point, ofc they would need to buff the pets in general then, but its a perfectly balanced class tankyness when it has counterplay. So you need to use voidwalker so your def doesnt get killed instantly

It is not well balanced mechanic right now. You sacrifice 25% of your HP in order to heal your pet.
Health funnel is channeling that is based on shadow magic, so any interruption will lock you from that school. Second demon loses too much HP in pvp. Not all demons have solid amount of HP, only Felguard and Void have somewhat 60% of your HP. With that in mind, blizz has homogenesided damage values of our demons across the board, ignoring the fact that Felguard has cleave damage and historically dealt less damage then Succubus and Imp whom was more prominent ST damage dealers with less HP pool.

In that case we need to

  • buff Felguard and Void HP to 70% of warlock HP
  • Buff imp and succubus damage by 25% leaving their HP at 50% of warlock HP.
  • Redesing Fel commando conduit in order to work with all demons.
  • Improve health funnel for demonology warlock or make Accrued Vitality heal our demons as well.

I laugh when I see these buffs to warlocks.
It’s not decent buff that will change only to ferals and ww monks how they do damage to warlocks.
This is absolutely not meta buff.
Demon armor will work? absolutely not to these classes:

Retribution- does magic damage, and hes burst is mostly magic.
Venthyr warrior - has most insane mobility after ww monk, these charges are insane ( leap > charge > condemn charge on gcd.)
Condemn does shadow damage around 9-12k per hit, can be hit almost always ( High hp, low hp) Also warrior ignore armor when he pops.
Warlock will still flop when warrior connects.
Fire mage - Combustion, magic damage Reflect is stealable, so if team is cced at certain point and u got caught in opener they force every cd on ur team.
DK- Mostly of hes damage is magic, so still dying to air.
Elemental shaman - 1 shot on warlock with all hes pops ( demon armor wont work :D)
Enhance shaman - all hes ascendance damage is magic, + chain harvest shadow damage (18k damage) just flop in 2 sec.
Dh - has alot of magic damage. big counter to affliction warlock.

So armor will affect classes which are not in meta at current state

Sub rogues, ferals, ww monk ( the only class in meta), marksmanship hunter.

I dont even understand how people are buffing stuff which give warlock minor defensive ability.

WE need additional defensive buffs like:

Spell reflect cannot be dispellable.
Like new talent similar to fade spriest has. on low cd
Or give back soul link but increase pet hp, reduction damage to it.
Soul leach - heals nothing right now. So buff it or rework it.
Give back Fel armor - increase 20% hp gained by any souce, Or add it on top of demon armor so it get 20% health gain
Buff dark pact - so we can play instead, make shield 350% or 450% insead of 250%. Currently it absorbs nothing.

99% of the game warlock is running around the map just trying to survive isn’t fun to play.


Accurate asf

I logged in PTR its only 4.6 % physical dmg reduction increase which pretty much won’t do anything because most of the dmg in the game is magic dmg

nice buff, we wont die vs those elementals and fire mages for sure now.
On a serious side, they just need to remove it or make it affect ALL types of damage.
But on a serious note, jungle and ww’s are some of the main problems due to high uptime on you so its a buff… i guess.

Still not adressing lack of Shadow’s embrace in pvp, which is why our ST is so weak there.
My Shadowbolt does more dmg on my classic tune than live, cool.

Just a question, who cares about live when sl/sl is coming?

there is still hope with the 9.1 pvp talents being revamped

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