Finally, many many fun threads!

You dont heal, you just run around with tins of Swedish delicacy, put the victim into a fish induced coma and hope people notice you rummaging with bandages…

Can’t heal rn, casting chain lightning.

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Annnd there we go. Keep wondering why Blues pay scant attention.

You could… you know… give a DETAILED list of things you’d like to see rather than just sit and fume “blue sucks… blues bad… blues mean… I be mean and expect to be taken seriously…”

Just a thought from someone who worked in customer service.


Mate, look at the forums and at the game. You want a list of issues with the game which the blues can communicate on (I will spell it: take to the devs / get their feedback / get comments back / continue loop)? You don’t see what that might be? Really??? OK, here you go:

(1) When is 9.1.5? And why do we have to wait for it given that all it contains is a couple of small fixes, why not just put them into a weekly patch?

(2) What’s up with PVP gearing? Do they think the ladder is fine? Because it isn’t, the gear walls are still there. Why not do a single honor set and a single conquest set like people have been asking since forever? Just why? And if the answer is OK, we’ll do it, then when?

(3) What’s up with there being no solo queues for rated BGs and, less so, 2s (and as a distant third, 3s)? When are they going to add them?

(4) What’s up with spec balance in PVP and PVE? Do they really think it is fine? <A hundred of examples from class forums of why it isn’t>

(5) Where’s content for casuals? Korthia archivist grind, that’s it??? When is 9.2 then? How long do you think people can be on this archivist grind anyway?

Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

Do you have the detailed list of things now? Gee, I wonder if a blue will now answer. Of course it won’t. Because it’s useless. As I said the first time.

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This is the fun topic, take the salt to another one!


Please stop it with the false flags so I can keep my L3 status :pray:

Whilst I agree with you that we rarely get information here on the forums, I will point out that Tyrskorn (the blue that posted) is a forum moderator. He is not a community manager who are the only ones who are allowed to post about game issues and changes.

So, you are right to be annoyed, but annoyed at the wrong person. He was just posting in a light tone about fun being allowed whilst keeping within the forum code of conduct… which his job is to uphold as a moderator.





I mean, I really don’t care about who is who amongst the blues and what their different roles and restrictions are or might be. The blues are useless. This blue included. That’s it. I don’t know how on earth they have the time to post nonsense and not have the time to post on real issues. Or, if you want, how on earth they have people who are only allowed and willing to post nonsense and not have people who are allowed and willing to post on real issues.

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And what should they post in “real issues” threads? They are just CMs. At best they can say is “we hear you or your complain has been noted”. Thats it…and with some ragers as it is. It can even provoke them more since thats not the reply some people are expecting. They don’t have the authority to speak on the behalf the developers or have any real power to change anything.

Its the same story with my “glorious” retail job(as student). The repair guy makes a judgment that product A was damaged due to client’s negligence, the supervisor makes the decision to decline a refund and me…the lowly desk clerk whose opinion nobody asked or cares… has the honor of saying this to the angry client.

And obviously the client is attacking me like I personally decided to deny the refund and is demanding me to change or do something about it. Like I have any power to do anything besides smile like a fool and “sorry for the inconvenience”.

Same story of CMs. We are demanding an answer and responsibility…from a messenger(aka the blues) who has no real power and are just delivering messages back and forth?


Every time someone has to come in and spoil things.

The blues are here to point people in the right direction for help and be a presence in the community. They cannot respond to threads with issues (apart from to say where to report them) because people will then quote them for evermore and they’re not the people who fix things and/or make decisions.


I’m sure we can find you a 0,0 alcohol beer or other drink. How about self-made lemonade without sugar? Best Lemonade ever.

You should care who does what in a company. Imagine taking your car in for a service and the service was done by the firm’s accountant and not the mechanic. You’d soon complain.

And thank you for completely derailing a thread which was a little light relief amongst the endless doom and gloom in the forum.


A moderating word on some heated discussions would not exceed their abilities as mods though. That’s where the title actually comes from: To moderate.

If a discussion is escalating, that’s where moderation is needed. Not in the aftermath, not by stoically reacting to flags only, but at the moment of escalation or relatively close to it. This though presupposes that the forums are viewed as frequently as it is done by users. I am not sure as how many mods are responsible for one forum and how much work time they are to invest, but if it really is that they are overchallenged with the amount of posts to moderate close to real time (which most definitely can be the case), then Blizzard should invest according resources to relieve the mods.

Because the reason for the forum not being funny in a lot of cases are threads opened for the sole purpose of inciting the atmosphere. And those threads usually are up way longer than necessary. If I see political remarks made in the OP post, this a) has nothing to do with the game and b) can be taken as a straight up announcement to exploit the forum for an ideological stage play. No flag needed actually to clearly see that this is a violation if CoC. Yet it still doesn’t get taken down until a user explicitly points it out via flag.

However, it’s indeed good to see some less provoking topics again after the past few days. Though I’m not always sure if some if them may in fact follow suit.


Personally I’m happy he came in to make an actually funny yet slightly sarcastic blue post. Appreciating it, and the fact it bumped up the views on topic. You know, there are funny ‘cops’ out there :pray:

…but regardless, I wish we stay with any fun topic that comes up. There’s enough salt to cure the hides of all of the Barrens’ animals. Don’t give me even more job! :laughing: :salt:



This is the bizarrest thing I read today. No, nobody should care who does what in a company. If I take my car in for a service and the service ends up being done by an accountant instead of a mechanic, that’s on the company. And I will complain, absolutely. And get a refund. Because, you know, I came in to get my car serviced and if they assigned a wrong person to do that, it’s on them, not on me.

But you made me check what this particular blue does. And apparently they post some useful things from time to time as well. Not much, the number of posts in the last full month (Aug) is 23 if I am counting correctly. And not all of them are useful. So barely a post a day, pretty pathetic in terms of the load. But still useful. So I am changing what I am saying regarding this particular blue from “useless”, to “not terribly useful”.

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According to my phone, :mountain_railway: and :funeral_urn:are both “fun” emotes. :roll_eyes:

I completely understand them though, there are so many issues with the game right now and it really feels like Blizzard is just ignoring people who bring it up.

We waited a year for them to pull the ripcord, a whole year of terrible design just because they were ignoring our feedback for so long…

I like silly and funny threads but right now the game is in such a bad state that nothing really cheers me up about it.