Finally, no more

Finally. 5.000 pvp pet battle wins.
No more dealing with this toxic community full of exploiters and cheaters.
No more crit hacks, no more hit hacks, no more speed hacks. No more ability bugging and exploiting. No more dmg tweakers, no more disconnecters.
No more never ever banned cheaters changing pet abilities during the battles and so pure guys knowing your move before deciding theirs.
No more % chances being procced right in the most dire “completely no messing” moments. No more no brain sunlight/nightmare combos.
No more of you. Finally.


I had no idea those things are happening in pet aspect of the game, did you report all of this? :thinking:

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I don’t have my 5K - life’s too short - but in my 2K-ish, I have never seen any “crit hacks, hit hacks, speed hacks, ability bugging, changing pet abilities during the battles”.

I have asked the folks in the Discord whether they have.

Considering the uproar that happens when we see a bugged pet, I just do not believe in exploits in PvP. Botters occasionally, trolling names and teams for sure, but actual exploits? I’d want to see evidence.

But congratulations on being done with it!

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Removing the total bias towards PVP pet battling within this post there are some valid points and some total rubbish.

There are toxic individuals within the player base that try to ruin the experience of others. I can see that there are several personalised pet names within your roster specifically a Magical Crawdad “Endless it is”, a Broot “How Could Blizz” and a Singing Sunflower “Nothing Better”. A full sunny day team is not an efficient way to earn 5k wins, fairly toxic to tie someone up for 40+ rounds though.

Another valid point is a lot of good players will know your move before you decide it but that comes down to experience and skill no more. People are predictable.

It is correct that Sunlight is “no brain” strategy.

What there are not within pet battles are crit hacks, hit hacks, speed hacks, ability exploiting, damage tweakers (whatever this is) or changing abilities halfway through battles.

There will always be D/C’s with an online game these cannot be avoided.

The bugged abilities cannot reliably be exploited as they are extremely niche.

It is human nature to remember bad things over good ones which is why everyone’s perception is that more crits or stun happen at the worst possible time to them than their opponents.

No more of you. Finally.


That’s some dedication considering you seem to dislike pet battles. I could never bring myself to doing them regardless of whether I was playing as a completionist or not.


Gz! on reaching that amount of PvP pet battle wins, that is indeed one of the most rare achievements.

However I have to say from my own experience as well, I have not witnessed what you are describing there from the pet battle community, neither we have received reports of this kind.

Now if you do in the future encounter this sort of thing please do report it, via a bug report or even via an in-game ticket so that the in-game support can investigate it.

Once again, congratulations on getting this achievement! :slight_smile:

I’m on like 1050/5000, I’ve loved the pve achievements. It’s a shame there isn’t some kind of progress associated like a mount for rated pvp stuff… I need a reason to grind. 10 points isn’t ‘currently’, and like many, its the last pet battle achievement I need. Gratz on a job well done though!

That’s another subject, much discussed.

The TL;DR is that pumping up the rewards would certainly increase the quantity of participation, but decrease the quality. At the moment, the meta is not bad, as pet PvP metas go. Quite a few pets and types of teams are viable, and I think it’s better than either the 6.3 or the Legion meta. Forcing more participation would lead to a more limited, dull and brain-numbing meta.

It’s not an easy problem to solve, and I don’t envy the devs. They have a pretty good thing going here, with pets in general, and they don’t want to change the tone of battling by making PvP both widespread and cut-throat.

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It drives me nuts. Typically only do 10 or so a week. A few extra’s on pet bonus week.

Tho I did have some satisfaction on Tuesday after losing too many times to a Clutch Sister team. 100% I can also be an a-hole mode and drove them out of the queue.

The poblem is me doing that also impacts the more casual player if they have to face me.

I know pet battles are split into meta’s. There’s no way myself or most of the contributors here are not in the top one. Id love Blizz to open it up against the US and Asian accounts into one big top list PvP frenzy. Then we can all go toxic and overpowered all day long and wont be impacting anyone else.

A reward for 5k would also be nice. A title or a (non game changing!!) pet reward would be nice.

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