Finally trying DH

So I have played Wow since release.

Only class I never gave a go, not including the new invokes is DH. Actually having quite a good time as I am level 63 at the moment. Just had a few observations/questions?

I tried this so called momentum build recently, pulled from a guide, and kind of struggled with it. Was a lot of bouncing around and found myself auto attacking for 5 seconds at time waiting for a cd to finish, is that normal for that build or does it get better?

I am quite the casual player though think I will try for higher keys, probably not raid, but do like wpvp and bgs, hopefully rated as well. Not sure my talents show but been copying another build recently that has me really engaged with plenty of energy and buttons to push, but not sure how viable it is. Again pulled from a guide. Not sure someone can peek or not.

I have read a bit of negative posts about nerfs and kind of glad I’m not joining at the peek performance but are we still viable in the content I plan to do listed above?

I love the mobility, the attacks, honestly, the simplicity of the class and yes I know to get good, have to do more but seems though really is fitting my play style so far.

Any other tips about stats, gear or anyone just killing it out there that I can view your profile, would love to look.

Only thing so far I regret not having in my current build is the extra stun and the sigil that stuns or fears as well, May have to tweak some things.

Really appreciate any guidance or coaching, I am surely coachable.


If you are using Demon Blades without haste you will find yourself auto attacking quite often.

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