So i made a horde geared it up on the same realm as we all play but any time i go to find them even when i know where they are they are never there anyone know why? pretty pointless making the horde if its like that
There are different layers on every realm (called sharding), no idea how it exactly works but I had often the same issue when I tried to find someone I know in Dornogal etc.
Edit: On they say it’s to prevent crowded outdoor areas.
You have to be lucky to be on the same layer as your friends.
Could try joining their party. Should then be on same shard. Removes the sneaking up on em aspect ofc.
Got killed by horde player on my low ilvl alt and decide to log my main with macro /target (name of the player).
He was staying in a certain zone but couldn’t find him.
Both my alt and main are on AD.
Thanks for layering blizzard👌
Yeah it has killed a bit of the old knowing everyone on your server and going after them.
Back in vanilla when I started on Tannaris I’d actively look for certain players on the city’s. Now with layers and sharding and servers merged. Cant really be done.
THIS killed the REAL pvp outdoor unfortunately
Did so. When I first started playing …. A long time ago.
I was in thousand needles lvling and a pala ran up and killed me. Over and over. Skull on name.
Logged rogue main. Camped him. All the way to gadget.
Those days are gone.
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