Fire Elemental Terrible Functionality

Please change the way Greater Fire Elemental works, there are multiple issues;

  1. When you summon fire elemental, it actually spawns for a small duration with only like 5k hp instead of 50k at max level, so it can get immediately one shot by some mechanics (kekw just play around this) still a terrible implementation imo.

  2. Quite a few bosses the fire elemental will switch targets from the boss due to the boss phasing etc and run straight into degen on the floor and immediately die or hit something completely irrelevant.

  3. Fire Elemental does not show up on raid frames as a “pet” as it is classed as a “guardian”, this is a huge issue as healers are not able to heal them at all, unless you physically find them on your screen and click them and NO, passive aoe healing etc is not enough to keep them alive on many bosses they just die anyway.

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Activate warcraft logs.

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Yup, Smol indi compani has a hard time coding companions.

Yes make us able to control it like a hunter pet, it’s ‘‘some changes’’ after all, hunters got trap launcher I dont see why not

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