Fire in M+

Is it a non-starter, or has someone managed to make it work?

I’ve tried a few different builds now with both sets of hero talents, but I can’t get anything above 85% of my overall damage as Frost, with some builds falling quite a bit short of that.

Seems like it needs loads of haste and big pulls for some nuts instant flamestrike spamming. I usually play arcane atm as most runs are one pack at a time.

Even on big pulls, it seems as though every other dps spec scales better than Fire.

Or are we still on the DF garbage where you have to group with an Augvoker and pull half the instance to shine, while being garbage on your own?

I’m not totally sure to be honest. Feels like it might be the middle ground between frosts big AoE and arcane’s big ST. With it’s mobility and cheat death its always popular in m+ and if most the top mages are playing it then it looks better on the metrics.

Arcane feels like it does more dmg to me at about 620 ilvl.

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