Fire mage & Class balance

Why did fire receive a totally uncalled and unneeded nerf and is left to rot at the very bottom of the charts?
It’s literally the most fun and one of the most popular specs in the game…
Why can’t u simply aura nerf top 5 specs and aura buff bottom 5 specs to reduce the gap?
For example difference between enhancement and fire is ~20% how can this be the case???

Please, it only gets popular when it’s broken enough to use in M+.

What are u even talking about dude, it’s the top 5 most played specs since ever, ure literally arguing against numbers and facts, why??

I just checked the logs. They’re not that popular currently → it’s all about performance, dude.

But yes, Fire should be tuned up → but flat aura buffs are never the solution to the issue…

U’re either trolling or ure just plain s…
ofc a spec is not gonna be popular in a season where its doing 5-20% less dmg from other classes in a competitive game.
Flat aura buffs are not the solution? so what is it? changing talent trees and rotations in middle of season?
U should apply for job at blizzard they’re hiring more of you

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was hoping to see some blizzard posts around the sad state of fire in raids (it is doing okay in m+).

There was no reason for the flat out 6% to all ability nerfs in 11.05, I had expected them to correct this problem by now.

A 6% buff to pyroblast would be a great start, a pure dps spec should never be at the bottom of the dps barrel …