Fire Mage is broke PVE

Like seriously… I’m ilvl 465 and can barely beat the tank in DPS. Yes i do know how to play, yes I understand the mechanics. It’s genuinelly broken I’ve seen other posts about it but from when ret paladins are doing 180M in mythics and i’m barely getting to 80M… It’s making it pointless to keep playing it unless i’m doing PVP…


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What key level are you playing ?

What build are you playing ?

Do you have logs ?

Kinda hard to help you based on what you said.

Highest is 14, but the one I’m talking about was +2 that I joined to see if it was a gear thing, safe to say the demonology warlock with green gear almost beat my dps…

I don’t have logs but I can switch to my pve gear and spec and if you have time you can have a look…

Thank you

A lot of your damage is in a 10sec dot, your skb opener is a 3sec cast, even if you use a flamestrike build everything would be dead before you got your second flamepatch on the ground or living bomb exploded. Fire mage doesn’t do much when everyone is overgeared. Fire doesn’t do much unless stuff lives at least 30secs.

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its true. I m doing 24 key. But without Priest or Evo Fire mage is terrible against ret pala or havoc. There should be put back Incanter’s Flow to 20%. But what u expected when pala and warrior is @blizzard favorite class thats why still get some bonus like legendary :smiley:

Just did 79k overall with 461ilvl :') (as fire)

Meanwhile, on my 465 ret I do 180k+ overall. I feel so weak as fire it’s disturbing, yet I don’t want to give up on it until I do damage above 430ilvl…

Just did barely 20k dps more than the tank overall lmao, and he was clueless. Makes me sad

Thing is people blame you aswell lool… It’s like you try it bro…

This is SO FUNNY to see coming from Mage players the class that is THE class with the best chance to be good out of every single class in the games historically.
this has to be a joke

Not sure how you’re managing this. I’ve been doing ~130k as arcane at similar ilvl. I don’t think arcane is stronger than fire (and it also requires set up time for its burst windows).

Typical Retribution Paladin
say ez class in the game paladin :smiley:

increase living bomb about 800% not only in PVP but same for PVE content. Blizz took rune of power 40% spell damage. So dont understand why nerf Incarnate flow to 10%. But blizzard better buff paladin most OP spec in the game

That is SO FUNNY.
This is the FIRST time in 6 YEARS Ret paladin has been strong in PvE.
The last time Ret paladin was strong was Nighthold in Legion.
Ret has NEVER been Meta in M+ the whole existance of M+ (you can argue it is meta now)
Mage is the poster child of being OP strong at all times in this game.
Mage is ALWAYS doing good.

Mage has a 97-99% of the time in the last 10 years being strong Ret paladin has 1-2%
Just to put it into perspective How WRONG what you are saying is.

This is YOU the mage players who wanted gone YOU asked for it being removed YOU did not like it making you have to stand still you gained mobility and lost rune of power because YOU wanted it gone.

This is SO funny to read and shows how little you have looked at what is going on.

This is SO FUNNY to see coming from Mage players the class that is THE class with the best chance to be good out of every single class in the games historically.
And you use Ret paladin the class with the WORST chance to be good in the games history.
It is amazing to hear these things.

But lets look at actual player data last week.
Fire mage overall dps 307.3K
That is the number 3rd spot on damage in dungeons.

Ret paladin overall dps 295.5K
That is the number 7th spot on damage in dungeons.

Arms warrior overall dps 284.2K
That is the number 10th spot on the damage in dungeons

Fury warrior overall dps 271.5K
That is the number 13th spot on the damage in dungeons.

Fire mage was literally the 3rd highest dps spec in the game for m+ last week.

let me show log where did u find this. If i see there priest and evo. We cannot talking about pure damage of FM.

Archon site
Retribution Paladin - 274,6k overall

Fire Mage- 291,8k overall with Evoker buff and pernament PI. without buff maybe 240-250k … so stop writing here nonsens

But if paladin is so much stronger than mage, why is the paladin not getting the PI and evoker buffs? Surely it makes sense to give it to the strongest dps spec.

Not trying to pick a fight. I’m genuinely curious. (And I understand that fire loves haste - I play arcane and tell priests to give their PI to anyone but me because I don’t want to go oom, thanks - but ret pala loves haste too.)

Re read what i wrote.
i wrote

Not this week last week.

Evoker buff also would buff Ret paladin.
And Pi is STRONGER on a Ret paladin than on a Fire Mage Just FYI if you have a Ret and a Fire mage you use PI on the Ret paladin NOT the fire mage.

You have now shown you do not actually follow anything you do not even read.

In the highest level of keys fire is usually meta for being the best bloodlust class. Mainly because it’s very very good at surviving and it’s ignite damage profile is great for priority damage that speeds up pulls. Ret paly can do more ST or AoE than mage, but mage can do its ST and AoE at the same time.

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Thank you. I’m just getting into mage (playing arcane at the moment because I find it fun, but want to learn all 3 specs), and I figured fire is the “tankiest” spec because of the cheat death. It seems that it’s quite challenging to play well, though - at least judging from the variations in performance between the fire mages I’ve played with in keys.

Its quite similar to arcane tbh, at least the ignite build is. Find a big hp target and dump everything into it, stuff has to stay alive a while to do decent damage.

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