Fire mage looking for active raiding guild

i am a returning player so still getting gear, and so on, i have experince in raiding with guilds in botht previous and the current expansion, so im looking for a guild that are active in both raiding, and mythic plus.

heya mate would you consider a realm transfere? if you contact me on discord jaycore#8306

to argent dawn ?

Hey there, we are Time and Tide on Ravencrest, and we are a semi casual raiding guild on wednesday and thursday nights. We are AOTC and just started progressing mythic raiding.
We also have lots of guildies playing mythic + together.

Hi there! I am one of the officers for Wrath of Wisdom on Shadowsong (Alliance side). We’re a semi-casual guild that has been around since vanilla, and we’ve gotten curve and about a quarter to a third of the kills on mythic on every tier since legion. We raid three times a week, and at the moment we are 8/8 heroic 4/8 mythic. We also regularly clear 10+ and even 15+ keys. Feel free to look us up on wowprogress or raiderio. We have a strong sense of community, and theres usually people online doing stuff at almost any time of the day. If this sounds interesting, feel free to add me on bnet at arythm1a#2722. Hope to hear from you!

Hey Freezero,

If you’d consider a server change and are interested in raiding mythic content, add me for a chat on bnet - tricky#2757

Look forward to speaking with you.


Hey Freezero!

If you would consider a Server change;
GLHF are a Heroic weekend raiding guild that raids on Saturday and Sunday 20.00 - 23.00. We are still looking for more Ranged, particularly a Mage. We also do Mythic+ weekly.

To avoid repeating stuff too often, I will just link our recruitment post - don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Hi there!

We have a guild on Silvermoon that might interest you! have a look:

im sorry but dont wanna server changes have way to many char on this realm and its a little expensive


Thanks for the response and all the best finding a new home. If you should decide a server switch is for you, please get in touch.


Thanks for the response. :slight_smile: Good luck in finding a guild! Small advice; try also posting in your own realm’s thread Outland and look at guilds on Wowprogress or Raider .io (as sometimes guilds only actively recruit through such means) :smiley:

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