Fire mage looking for noob friendly raiding guild

Looking for a raiding guild on Silvermoon-EU. Played the game for a while but never gotten into any endgame content. Would love to join a noob-friendly raiding guild.

Hi there Voidgoof,

I have a guild if you wanna check us out, laid-back/relaxing raiding atmosphere with helping people who are new to their class and raiding rather than kicking them :slight_smile: . Same with mythic+. Once again, we’re not so much a “noob guild” xD but we do have an envoironment where people have the chance to actually learn their class without having people get mad at you for messing up :slight_smile: We raid friday and sunday 8-11pm.

If you are interested poke me. Btag: Trivium#2485 Discord tag: Wulf#0208

Hey! Added you on battlenet.

Hey, don’t see for some reason a friend request, can you tell me your btag?


Hi Voidgoof!

Are you still looking for a guild? If so, and if you are open to a server change, Soul Crusaders (Turalyon-Doomhammer) might be what you’re looking for!

We’re a friendly and inclusive raiding and M+ guild. We have a great group of members are very supportive and always willing to help learning players find their way. For more info, the first post in our recruitment thread gives you an idea of the guild ethos and background, the latest post gives an update to where we are currently, and on how you can apply / get in touch. There is also the possibility of a trial, where you can join in m+ (and potentially raids) as a guest, before you decide whether or not to apply and server-transfer! Soul Crusaders, [A] Turalyon/Doomhammer is recruiting - #26 by Lakshmii-turalyon

Looking forward to hearing from you :slight_smile: