Fire mage - Pyroblast hits for 200k, crit 350k, 3 seconds cast spell

So i wanted to give a try to firemage how its going and pyroblast hits for 200k non crit, 350k crit. 2,9 seconds cast spell. I know you are supposed to use it only as instant but even then its laughable, some affli dots hit stronger than that lol.

It looks like no one even looked at fire closely and its just placeholder for some EVENTUAL buffs in future.


blizzard ignore people we need for PVE content
Pyroblast increase 15%
Ignite increase 15%

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Considering you have less defensives and control than frost the damage has to be better.

Instant pyros do double ignite damage, ignite has a load multipliers. Most of fires damage is from the ignite dot.

in pvp spells matter more than ignite passive very very often

unless its masterful season
or glasscannon giving ignite 100% more dmg

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