Fire Mage so low DPS

Hello everyone
I dont wants argue with each other. But please explain me what Im doing bad in rotation. Everyone talking mage dont need buff and etc. I recorded myself with full burst. And my dps is sadly terrible. I took random ohter spec and even with low gear do better DPS than FM
I link video here


For any advice thank you a lot.

You stop casting a few times, but you also didnt double bl. That being said don’t expect to keep up with warrior burst on 5 targets. Firstly your doing a ST rotation, the damage shouldn’t out do a proper aoe rotation, secondly fire mage isn’t a bursty spec.

Also, dont think you used your trinket.

Also also, don’t think of shifting power as a dps button, think of it as a cdr tool.

all what u reply I do. But for ignite built need stack ignite via pyroblast. Thats what other people play. I know i do mistake i reset my CD all the time after combustion finish. Even try use fireball 70% when FB an PF is on CD and iam inside in combustion. The fact is without Augmentation Evoker and Priest and Tank who take massive pack. Fire mage has terrible damage. I focused took double BL and try everything get uptime. My dps increase only about little bit. So undergeared Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, DH do much better DPS and dont need Evoker, Priest, and BL. So ur answer u did not tell me nothing special.

There seem to be many factors involved here.
Your stat prio is not following what others are running they are doing Intellect then Haste then Versatility then Crit then Mastery

While you are doing Int Crit Haste vers then mastery.

Your build is somewhat odd for a ignite build. You are missing Master of flame for one, and Meteor for a second. (that is a raid build you are in and you are somewhat going for raid stats)
And most important you are comparing full on aoe builds on other classes doing aoe rotation to FM doing single target damage that does aoe damage.

(also just like using Firestarter on fire mage would not give accurate info on target dummies MM hunter has an effect where they do more damage if the target is above 70%)

On 5 targets it does yh. It’s strength is priority damage to targets with high health which massively speeds up keys. Ignite damage to secondary targets is kinda like free damage.

You can stack up your crit and mastery and take more mastery/ignite talents and do more overall but most other specs do overall better.

To be honest with how strong spriest’s prio damage is now, mage is only meta for BL and survivabilty. Aug could easily take our place, depending on survivability needs, in season 4.

still same dps like fury warrior 460ilvl … and Fury Warrior even dont need BloodLust. Or wanna see fury with blood lust or paladin ? what are u talking about ?. With flamestrike build do 600k. But only with double BL. Its EZ show dps when he use pre-potion, BL, Trinket :smiley: but when finish all this buff. Even Holy Priest getting on pack 320k :smiley: yesterday i played with one :smiley:

I feel super gimped as fire mage, more than any other class and spec.
I kinda want to main mage next season so hoping some things will change.

The new old tier set should be an indirect buff to the flamestrike build and the dmg should be more upfront and less reliant on stuff staying alive for ignite spread.

I know. I m playing FM since BFA. So finally we dont need play crit anymore. Think more focus on haste versa mastery

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