Fire mages: nobody cares that your combustion is up

If there is something you missed, somebody died, you made a tiny mistake, your route isn’t optimal or you aren’t pulling enough at a fast pace a mage will always be there to remind you.

Even if it doesn’t matter The Mage player will inform you like a dog sniffing your backside. You didnt ask for it but its there.

There definitely is a range of key levels where some people don’t track your CDs but will gladly pull around them if that means an easier time in the dungeon. It’s definitely not a case of “they either couldn’t care less or they’ll track it with an addon”, so there will be times when letting the party know your combustion burst is up will prove valuable.

Any respectable tank tracks the groups cooldowns.

Spamming chat is not needed.

not all tanks track it. its pretty normal to pull around big cds in dungeons - same is for fae hunters and many other classes that play aroudn 2-3 mintue cds

for low keys it doest matter but for high keys ? its make it or break it .

Maxmaxmax, I wanna step on the max !!!

If it’s the poster Izylar mentioned then it’s more like standard behaviour.

Based on the discussion here, you should roll fire mage. You already seem to qualify for it on how you behave and talk. Make sure to let people know you’re about to cumbust.

“Combustion is up” is just another way of saying “Give me PI”.

Man, if that’s such an issue, I’m curious to see what kind of hell you’ll unleash once you see one of those elitism helper donkeys that spam the chat every time they use an ability, every time someone gets hit by something, or dies. Now that’s actually annoying, and curiously it’s always the worst player in the group who’s using it.

Retribution Paladins says hi…

Fire mage is worse, but retribution is definitely well up there.

The difference is that wings last far longer and makes a smaller difference per second.

Yeah but you make it up with 100% uptime on target where if a ret has to move during his CDs it’s game over.

Apart from the class difference tho, it’s important to certain classes to line up their CDs especially in small scale content as m+. Small example, if I f**k up my CD cycles after the 1st boss on MoTS, they will never line up properly for maze packs resulting in huge loss of DPS.

Having said that I don’t know what attitude the OP encountered but I personally had bad experience with only one mage that was horrible and behaved like this. So I doubt it’s a mage issue rather than behaviour issue.

I usually had warriors doing similar thing as well. Some of them even went “TAKE BOSS TO ME” and not them following the boss. But I always liked it when even with all that, I was silent, not complaining about anything and outdps them all whiners.

Let me introduce you to venthyr moonkins :slight_smile: they won’t tell you about their cooldowns, they’ll just randomly run past your tank while glowing red and pull more trash before you even realise it and then say “pull bigger I have cds up”

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They should remove the mastery scaling, and also they should make it so fireball etc grant streak regardless of crit or not.

Then rebalance

Best design Fire Mages ever had was in Cata. Best Arcane design Mages ever had was during Legion. Best Frost spec that ever excisted was in Wrath. See. They will never get all of them right especially with these californian soyboy incels calling themselves DEVS, who dont even PvP.


Tank here, done keys as high as 29 since BfA

If a mage doesn’t tell me their combustion is up multiple times in a key I genuinely get fed up and on the verge of leaving

Sub rogue has no meaningful major CDs aside from Flagellation. And even that one is reduced to 1min and one wont mess it up unless one gets beeped by some mechanic because one wanted to take the risk. No Shadowblades is no major pump cd in comparison to other classes and Shadow Dance isnt regarded as a cooldown by any sub rogue to begin with given how the spec works. The only rogue spec with a “true” major dps cooldown is Assa.

Venthyr Boomkins disagree. Our Druid officer is literally a meme outside of his frenzy combo and we dubbed him the “2.5k dps boomie” for anything where he doesnt have his frenzy combo.

It does matter.

Im highly curious what your main is at this point furra/gleopatra.

Then ignore it.

Because it isnt. Fae Hunters also have a habbit of using a macro when they use their wild spirits. Amongst others.

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Ya, imma still a NF hunter, so i use a WA for the wild spirits, in keys above 10 tanks said that it’s useful for them to know someone has a cd and they can pull bigger.
Same with the combustion. I dont mind it at all.
I mostly use my wa to track how much i have left to use it and also i use it with hope that tanks won’t move the mobs away the second i place it(which happens more often than you think)

But, sorry, op, i don’t do 25 + with coordinated groups in voice ;(

Another inconsequential thing to spit the dummy at.

Get over yourself OP.