I think the answer is simple, it depends on how you play.
Fire is still as it was, on high keys, strong with a good team, but around 20, with randoms, it’s not really worth forcing.
Frost, on the other hand, has now become quite user-friendly, its builds can be varied more. and it can also be used better on smaller pulls, it is not tied to large pulls like flamestrike fire is now.
Fire. Always Fire for pushing content
Frost is a CC gimmick that isn’t needed for M+. And with the recent changes, frost is just garbanzo.
Sure, I belive you.
What does garbanzo mean?
Hard to tell between the two but they’re both performing really well at the moment alongside SP and Aug in high keys.
All 3 specs are viable play what you like
Both are good.
i think its a slang for garbage because these 2 words share a prefix idk
Dont have to use flamestrike to be fair, been running stuff since the new patch without using flamestrike and pulling good numbers in both mythic and raid.
Helps to redo all stats to haste and versatility.
Idk about fire. Maybe it was a short testing for me, i tried it on a +21 neltarus after the changes (before that I played with it until 2700), I wasn’t satisfied with it there, since then I’ve been frost. Frost is more pug friendly.
I think with fire to reach its full potential with flamestrike and mass aoe you need such big pulls that pugs cannot manage without wipefest most of the time. If you don’t have the target number, there are a bunch of classes who will always be in front of you by pressing 1 button.
Well, I don’t know how viable the ignite build is, 3-5 target spread is not enough, and its damage has also been nerfed, in order for it to be good, you needed targets that had been alive for a long time before, i think its the same, just nerfed badly.
The single target was good, even with full aoe build so, i have no doubt that it is strong in raids.
I just don’t like the fact that there are a lot of IFs and WHENs in fire, which can obviously be handled with a good team, but those who push it with randoms are often more unpleasant than fun.
Only problem I’ve had with fire is since the patch spell queuing has felt a bit off and the speed of the aoe rotation, especially with bl or pi you can really feel it. Also wasted 3 fire blasts today on a mob in freehold before I realised he was evading… then his threat changed and he came over and bonked me on the head and I died.
Frost is more fun though. Just lost 3 hours on the dummies and I’m still learning.
Frost is busted
I think frost mage looks better now compared to other addons.
Fire is still probably better because it has cauterize and naturally stacks versa.
I hate versatility so much, it’s a terrible stat for both gameplay and design.
Why did the remove multistrike but kept versa??? WHY!
It does not matter for keys < 25. All three specs can do good DPS.
Honestly though, for most pugs i would go frost.
whit nerf coming soon eh tink arcane will be play ever bit content
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