Fire Resistance gear - How to

  • Drakefire Amulet (neck from Onyxia attunement) (+15 FR): you’ll be doing the quests on your main char, and from then on you’ll have it on all chars.
  • Lesser Arcanum of Resilience (Leg/Head Enchant) (+20 FR each): 1x Burning Essence (Dark Coffer has 2), 1x Libram of Resilience (getting cheaper every day, can drop from BRM bosses), 4x Crystal Spire (from an unlockable repeatable quests in Un’goro), 1x Black Diamond (like 1 copper on the AH). The hardest part is getting the Burning Essences, which involves doing less than half of BRD, which you may be able to do solo if you’re playing a stealth class.
  • Onyxia Scale Cloak (cloak) (+16 FR): currently around 60g on my server.
  • Cloak Enchant (+20 FR): Honored with Hydraxian Waterlords, 10g cost.
  • Water Treads (feet)(optional) (+20 FR): same as Cloak Enchant.
  • Ring (+20 FR): Honored with Hydraxian Waterlords, complete their questline
  • Magic Resistance Potion (+50 FR for 3 minutes): literally less than 1g each on AH. (does not stack with totem/fire aura/MotW)
  • Flask of Chromatic Resistance (+25 FR for 2 hours, persists through death, stacks with all resistances): obtained from Alchemy or AH, currently going for around 25g each on my server. EDIT: this flask provides 25 to ALL resists, not just FR, and now I remembered that Arcane Resistance is actually useful for Shazzrah, which means it’s good not just for the FR.

At this point, you’ll be at 186 FR, or 206 FR if you also use the Boots.
The only actual effort that you -must- do to get all of these is to do the Onyxia attunement and the Hydraxian chain quest. Reputation with Hydraxian comes naturally from running MC, and can be sped up by doing dailies in Searing Gorge and/or doing trash farm in MC, and Neutral to Honored can be achieved in just a few days (or less, if you do trash farm too).

From here until 226 FR, you need whatever gear has a bit of FR on it. The most obvious ones are tier pieces, but there are crafted items, dungeon items and BoE drops that contain FR. There are also a few extra off-set items with FR from raids.

Also, since the tuning of last patch, being slightly undercapped won’t make you be one-shot anymore, which means having exactly 226 or higher is not absolutely mandatory anymore, meaning you can literally grab the items on this list and go into H3.

Thank me later!


Solid post! :+1:

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Yea, no, don’t take that gamble. The conflagrate still kills people instantly in some cases, do you want to take that chance with all the consumables and world buffs? Go ahead…

The rest is a pretty good summary of what you need. If you play a mana hungry healer consider crafting one or two of the new FR items so you can chug mana potions as you won’t be able to do that if you use the magic resistance ones.
Now that the MC mats can be purchased with reals you can get the most expensive part of the items yourself if your guild won’t help you.

You need to be 31+ FR below soft cap to be one-shot now, and this applies to both H2 and H3. But yes, ideally you go for at least 226, specially not to put too much pressure on your healers.

I’ve seen a few raid members die while being a few points short, it wasn’t a one shot but it was just enough to kill, better avoid dealing with Conflagrate entirely.

Another tip for the warriors, Deathwish reduces resistances, keep that in mind when stacking resistances or you might end up with a nasty surprise.

Love the post thank you

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you forgot argent dawn shoulder enchant (exalted) for +15 FR.

also, you don’t want to use chromatic flask if you can avoid it, you want to use a good flask such as distilled wisdom, titans or supreme power.

just because you meet the minimum FR requirement doesn’t mean you can’t die to mechanics such as AOE.

so yes, even if you are a rogue who “wouldn’t benefit from those” you want to probably run titans because that’s 1200 more hp which is better than covering 25 FR with a flask when you could simply cover that with gear/enchants and have the titans flask on top.

Yes, and the countless hours of grinding for 15FR.

This is an easy-to-obtain list, the one item you list takes longer to obtain than all other items on the list combined.

Berny activated heat level 3 when nobody was looking and then the whole raid wiped.


fair enough.
was just pointing out that it was missing for those who want to min/max their gear a bit after looking at this list.

Some ppl are selling these in the finished form, they can use it on your gear in the bottom trade window slot.
Saw it pretty cheap (175g) yesterday in the trade chat.
Not much gold if you consider that there are BoP materials involved that require brd runs.
But also if you never even thought about going heat level 3 (like me) then there is no need to spend these 350g for 2 enchants.

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