Firelands bug? Saved from killing trash


We just got saved from killing trash in firelands, we dunno what it was that triggered it if it was that we killed trash until bethilacc or the spawning of shannox but we got saved with 0 boss kills. Is it a bug or is it intended that u get saved for doing trash in firelands?

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0 responses in 24h, looks like we had a retarded grp i guess to get saved without killing a boss.

It also showed that there was an FL save in raid info, but after I clicked ‘reset all instances,’ the save disappeared.

Enter the raid as a raid lead and reset it.

Doesnt work unfortunately, me and my friend are locked and nothing works. I guess its the gauntlet that someone ran up too that triggered the save.

Try reseting the instance, swap from heroic to normal back and forth, leave group, do the same again etc… Had similar issue and this worked for me.

We just had a bug where we killed rhyolith and then he respawned KEK! and we killed him again xD And got loot both times :smiley: thanks blizzard hahaha! Love these bugs

Care the last boss double kill was somewhere around TOGC and Blizzard banned for it a lot.

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