Firemage is a joke in pvp

So pyroblast in pvp doing 350k to 400k dmg, just like in dragonflight. WHAT THE FLYING FFFFF???

and fire has to play glasscannon for a meagre damage increase and having to sacrifice 15% of max hp. result = dead in a cheapshot/rapidfire you name it.

i swear these spaztics are doing it on purpose because they sleep with dragon pillows


Agreed. Fire mage damage is totally bonkers and needs more buffs. I would like to see 30% buff on pyroblast, AT LEAST.

Atm I’m just playing fire as a cc bot in blitz, since it’s no point going teamfights or trying to win 1v1’s most of the time due to lack of damage. Only ”window” you have to do some damage is during combust, but even then you’re lacking damage.


definetely too low

id say everything except scorch needs at least 50

hell, icelance spam is 1 global and crits like 2 pyro
pyro needs hotstreak so u pyro into phoenix into pyro into fireblast into pyro and so on, until it hits it doesn’t generate next hotstreak neither, finger of frost is literally always up
and icelance crit a million x)

It’s doesn’t help with the fact that SKB/ Unleased Inferno are massively nerfed by 60/ 70% in PVP.

Glass cannon is a trash talent. Losing 15% HP also affects all your barriers (Fire, Mass, Tempest), further impacting your survivability. Not worth taking just for 30% increase on 3 spells.

arcane is at the same level, i keep going back and forth between those 2, and they both just suck so hard…

They did it on purpose for some specs to hit with DF or shadowlands numbers. I found the math (from US forums) for demo warlock and it s just laughable. I suppose it s the same for fire mage.

pyroblast hits like single affli lock dot, lmao

Just when you thought the trash talent couldn’t get any worse, it just did:

  • Glass Cannon (PvP Talent) now decreases health by 30% (was 15%) and increases the damage done by Scorch, Fireball, and Ignite by 20% (was 30%).

Well at least we’ve got buffed in other areas:

  • Pyroblast damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
  • Fireball damage increased by 150% in PvP combat (was 100%).
  • Scorch damage increased by 300% in PvP combat (was 200%).
  • Ignite damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.

You will have less HP but at least you will hit weaker.


When the HP penalty was initially at 30%, it gave a 100% bonus to those spells. This is a big slap in the face. No one would take it at this risk/benefit ratio.

By taking it, you are left with around 4.5M hp. That’s in the ballpark of one round of rapid fire + one aimed shot - lovely!