[Firemage] New Combustion Rotation / Trinket issue


As it seems we are almost certainly going to play with Infernal Cascade as our main potency conduit, we are going to have to adjust our combustion rotation so that we start the fight with x2 charges of ICascade as fast as possible.

To do this, we have to use combustion offgcd while casting our first fireball and then quickly fireblast two times :

Fireball <off-gcd combustion / fireblast /fireblast> pyroblast / pyroblast then we’re going back to base rotation

This adress a major issue in trinket use as we can’t use most of them off gcd on current build of retail Shadowlands and thus can’t use the usual macro for Combustion + On-use trinket.

I don’t remember how it was in previous extensions and if it is intentional, but it’s kinda hurting our gameplay to either have one more bind for a pyroblast/trinket macro or use the trinket as a prepotion which is a dps loss.

I was wondering how my fellow mages are adressing this / if it could be changed so that on-use trinkets can be casts off the global cooldown ?

Edit : not off gcd but while casting a spell (i.e like combustion or fireblast)

Have a nice day :slight_smile:

Create a Trinket macro:

/use 13
/use 14

Use a specific button to activate as and when needed.

With night fae lowering cooldowns, its always worth doing it manually.

You don’t have to use two fb straight away if you’re going to run out before the end. Range to target and haste factor into this.

As for the trinket, I have mine macro’d with combustion and spam it as the cast finishes, checking my weakauras to make sure its popped.

Also be nice if we had a patch were we didn’t have to pvp to get our bis trinket.

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Inscrutable quantum device seems to be the go to as i get haste (very valuable right now) 95 % of the time.

Yh but fire always wants a strong on use thinket to go with it. Be interesting when we get to Sire Dennis, he has a very strong trinket thats on use but not a buff for combustion.

QUantum device is on-use.

I have personally just been using

/cast Combustion
/use 13

(that is the simplified version, but all you need)
And i press it while casting the fireball and then right after fireball ends to get the trinket and that works fine.
If you wanna be completely optimal then binding your trinket seperately so you can use it right before the firball that leads to combust is a must, but i reckon it’s a really small difference.

Just spam the macro after you finish fireball.

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