First day summary of PvP season start

1, 95% of competent PvP players are playing Alliance for a very good reason. Meaning Horde, for the second expansion in a row, is totally dead.
2. LFG tool is TERRIBLE for finding PvP groups
3. 2v2 in cata is horrendously terrible, half of match-ups are non-ending 30min clown fiesta.
4. I’m 100% sure there are a lot of bugs related to PvP, my riptide sometimes crits for 25k in arena. Sometimes I get hit for 30k.
5. Honor vendor disabled for the whole day, conquest vendor is still not available
6. RBGs are prematurely dead?
7. Two new battlegrounds are not available still lol

In general Blizzard are doing a terrible job, and “the best PvP expansion” is taking another L from Blizzard + warmane playerbase

i hate crippling posion

Yeah it feels like sit show after sit show to the point you can’t help but wonder if they really want us to play their game.

  1. it was to be expected. when ppl were asking for different QoL changes the #no_changes andys were raiding any post with their favorite quote so i guess blizz goes by default with any “original” design they had. Retail LFG is better on any way but we don’t want to have any connection with rEtAiL, right?

  2. w8 to see the 45min games since (as they say) history repeats itself

  3. don’t know about any Riptide bug yet but you have to realize that we are still in beta phase

  4. see (4)

  5. maybe it will get better once the majority is kinda done with lvling and gearing 3-4 alts to be rdy for fotm rerolling. Right now most ppl just do hcs and wg/tb on every 85 they have

  6. see (4)

and lastly we get to (1):
in the (not so) distant year 2019, after blizzard released the bgs, we had a plethora of posts from angry/disappointed/tired/bored hordes that couldn’t sit anymore in their 30-40min ques asking for solutions.
On the other hand you had “enter the same words i mentioned b4” alliances pointing out that it was hordes’ mistake since it was a bit obv that every min-maxer sweatlord will go to horde cause of their racials.
Ofc horde would deny that trying with every mathematical formula available to prove that wrong or hide behind the typical “i chose horde because all my friends did” (i guess all their friends flipped the same rigged coin and got the same answer, they chose horde randomly and dragged the mentioned guys along).
Personally as i had mentioned back then i was 100% sure that 90% of those undeads and orcs will reroll in the future.
A couple of years passed and TBC was released. Arena ofc was the major content for the pvpers. Undeads with trink+wotf had an obv advantage vs priest or lock combs and orcs were resisting stuns left and right.
Another year or so passed and Wotlk released. What happened to those guys? Who knows… I guess they quit game, right? But suddenly, around the end of TBC and early Wotlk there was a spike for alliance and particularly on humans! Wondering what could be the reason for that… I see 4 letters appearing on the horizon, E-M-F-H (or 3 if we go by W-T-S). Anyone know that they mean to help us solve the life mystery?
To end that long wall of text. Horde had their time in classic and tbc (2), alliance are having their now and had it in wotlk aswell (2). Seems fair, no? The only reason you think horde side is dead is because (a) classic had overall more players cause of the nostalgia comebacks and (b) because you play there and look for (by your words) competent pvp players. Those players were there for 2 xpacks but for the prev and current changed sides because they are sweaty min-maxers. That’s what a #no_changes attitude makes to a ~15yo game.

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