In BFA and SL blizzard seem to always sprinkle the hints of good story everywhere, but in the end they always seems to choose the “mid” option. Im saying it, because as always - the current lore dump pretty much outright admits (not directly but still) that the “First Ones” is a some being which split themselves into endless ocean of “mortals souls” and that “the engine on universe” is working on mortal souls moving in circle of live and death. That what you can gather from quests and side stuff, - boy oh boy i cant wait to see which bland and uninteresting story development will we get at the end of SL instead of which they de-facto has now.
Could you elaborate on that “pretty much outright admits”? I might not be rading the quest text as closely as I “should”, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.
More like we as players are first ones reincarnated in flesh to experience the creation and fix it from inside. Think about it all this plot armor, we never loose, everyone looks up to us as if we are some godlike figures almost. Relics of the first ones reacts to us because it recognizes our energy signature. Also we are immortal somehow everytime we “die” spirit healer brings us back. It is like if we already written the plot.
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