First post - Shamans killed SoD

sod is fun, if you are horde, and shaman.

Yea playing against a class that slows, stuns, in combat mount, pet, invulnerability, instant 100% heal, and some crazy burst alongside all that is so much fun

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U forgot purges aswell, shaman is just insane. Tank dps healer in single package

thats a paladin my dude.
Tank, DPS, Healer with a pet, bubble, lay on hands, 7seconds ranged stun, heavy burst, gap closer or get away with the insta mount. I probably forgot atleast 5 other things.

The only thing they dont have right now is stealth.
Horn that basically gives 2 stronger shaman totems in 1.
Oh and dont forget the plate armor that they have above shaman mail armor.

everyone here mentioning lay on hands if its not on a 1 hour cooldown lmao yet shamans are unkillable tanks with very high dmg miti, instant heals every 6 secs for 30% of their health, near cc immunity through earthshock/grounding/tremor/poison cleansing totems on top of being orc most of the time and still being able to just kill almost anyone in 2gcds with a what? 3mins cd? without maybe a few more, a paladin doesnt even come close to this

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losers lose, winners win . Simple as

I must be absolutely terrible at the game because as an elemental shaman I dont come close to killing something in 2 GCDs.

My lava burst ā€œcritsā€ warriors for 800, 300 if they have defensives up. Im also so tanky that I can get melted in one paladin stun.

A warlock that knows what hes doing with kicks and totem killing can destroy me as well.

Hunters I cant touch unless they are bad and get within range.

But yes, I guess its just me being trash at the game because according to these forums shamans are gods that cant be killed whilst dealing one shot type damage. I guess I need to press buttons harder.


Except for the fact that holy pala has been garbage for majority of SoD and constant nerfs causing most of them to quit the game. Youā€™re lucky if you even see a holy paladin in AB. Iā€™ve farmed 500k honor last week and 300k this week, so Iā€™m not making stuff up

We are just gona have to take your word and believe it 100% :smirk:

Since almost 20 years, because things will never change in PvP for alliance.
Sure now itā€™s Shamans, there is always an excuse for horrbile team play. :sweat_smile:

Personally I quit SoD PvP in P2 when the meta was 5x balance druid and 5x priest, couldnā€™t kill anyone, autodeath before charge resolved, was never fixed.

SoD is not a PvP game, the only ā€˜PvPā€™ is some OP class like rogue 100-0ing someone in a cheap shot.

Itā€™s a season for experiments and testing new things. People way to serious.

show us on the doll where the shaman shocked you