First post - Shamans killed SoD

AB right now as alliance is 5 minute losses, 1-2 HKs MAX per game cus we cannot kill shamans. SoD dev team have made glass-cannon specs into TITAN DEATH RAYS which cannot be killed.

I really wanted to enjoy this, im trying my best but this is just too much. I have no idea why they hate SoD so much. Why even work there ?


I’ve lost 2 AB’s now cause of paladins dominating


Dont even lol.

Yawn, boring zZZzzZZzz

Maybe you should just l2p?

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found the shaman

:clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: posting facts after 2 bgs good stuff

It’s the fact for those 2 bgs, and it was the only ones I bothered to do. Paladins have such an insane burst and really good surv cause of their shields. They always win the first clash at BS.

Alliance should honestly win the first clash if horde does not turtle.

Hpala is still the best healer in PvP SOD, RPala still the best front line.

Shamans are good no dubt, but if alliance knew how to play they would dominate.

so much horde COPIUM here. Try rerolling alliance if it’s so good. ^^

Blizz logic:

paladin does toomuch of one thing, nerfed.
shaman performing well in all aspects you can mention, not nerfed?

shamans in current state do not die to melee against a firestar spec which revolves around FS/Riptide/Shield Mastery/PS/Way of Earth. You can literally see those running in goblin towns just tanking the guards as if they were mosquitos. If you want footage, just go to youtube and search “ziqo shaman sod”.
paladins even as prot cannot even remotely do the same.

shaman players got it real good currently, it is mental how people are this deluded and say paladin needs a nerf when their hero class just does everything you can mention better.

shamans just need to press buttons as if they were born apes to achieve any value.
paladins need to plan out when to use what ability and thus it is already a harder class to play to get value out of. Is this seriously so hard to understand?
Everyone agrees that shaman is an easier class to PvP/PvE with compared to paladins, which straightup struggle in PvP and have crutches in one form or the other.
Either infinte mana and :poop: heals or good heals and :poop: mana sustain. Shamans do not have any of that crucial decision making.

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its hard to take you seriously when 99% of bgs are non games because throwing is the default. Yet you blame Shamans like having atleast 1/3rd of your team auto running into a wall isnt removing any value the data you can get from BGs in P5 as of rn.

Have had a single game in my 500k honor that were played semi normally 3-4 throwing allies and 2-3 afk horde.

2000/1800 win for horde. In my one game sample size it looks pretty even. But ofc that fact is useless in these conditions.

What if I told you, that Paladins are just as bad, if not worse because they can actually delay flag captures.

Nerf paladin they are too OP in pvp

Amazing that:

  1. ppl are still playing SoD
  2. ppl are complaining about the exact same things they were 3 phases ago.
    Damn am I happy I quit this mess early.

Have you played wsg at all? I think in wsg allies win most of the time at least when i am queuing solo.

You sont understand this cause u are alliance but having rets running around and bursting people while you can’t do anything to help or to save yourself is disgusting.
Sure nerf shamans but nerf rets first. 12sec or wtver the duration of bubble is ,is too much and then lay of hands on top of it…


One say gdkp ban killed sod, other say too many changes, and the next guy says phase3 killed sod, in the end of the day sod was just mid.

PS: skill issue.

Yes, I love when people put up shamelessly clickbaity titles to their posts in which they whine about niche issues they’re too involved in to objectively even understand.

Hi, I’m a resto shaman and I destroyed SoD toegether with my ele and enh friends. That’s also why nobody is playing it anymore since all WoW classic player care truly about is PvP balance.

rolling my eyes indefinitely

orc shaman is out of control for pvp balance, so disgusting that eaven if aliance get shamans it would still be op coz orc stun resist is insane in pvp.

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There’s nothing else to play - at least not in the WoW family.
Classic ERA gets ruled out because it’s like watching a re-run for the 20th time - we already know how it ends. Warriors on top, then rogues, then mages… then a void.

Retail is some sort of children’s toy. Everything feels like plastic and with guardrails on. Sure, raids are way harder but the world feels like a padded cell where you get fed Nickelodeon style content.

And also every version that includes the WoW token immediately gets a huge fat no from me.

So only SoD remains.