First step blizzard should take immediately

And that would be to correct the damage they did this summer with the server transfers. since it was a free service offered with no money invovled they should just grab the bull by the balls and admit they made a mistake and to undo the damage and improve the server performance instead of leaving it in a degraded state and that would be to simply send out a mail to every single firemaw player that transfered to Gehennas by abusing free transfers telling them that on this date (a week from the date) they will be forced to do a forced transfer of all players transfering from Firemaw into one of the other free transfer servers or a new server

We had all of 2 WoW Developers and 2 Community managers online in the past few days… yet they give poo about their community which is also their paying customers.

Yeah blizz should do something, and they CAN do something. I see a lot suggest to just split gehennas (and for that matter ALL megaservers" in multiple realms and crossrealm stitch them. It sure would be nice to get an official response to the idea of crossrealming, they can’t tell us it would lose the “classic spirit” because of it since stuff in classic is not the same anymore as it was a decade ago.

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