Ooooh, a kicked-out virgin !
Welcome to the club .
Seriously, you’ll find people in this game that, even when leveling an alt won’t allow you even the slightest mistake, and will always blame others instead of trying to work out what happened.
I don’t even know what dungeon you were in (I started in december 2021), but I’d say, from personnal experience, that a Tank that pulls a whole room + Boss is a total disaster and always results in a wipe.
You got kicked because you were the easy, obvious target (always the fault of the healer that does not heal enough, even when it’s impossible to keep up because someone else, usually the tank, took a bigger bite than he can chew).
If his HP dropped in an instant, either he was undergeared, he pulled way too much at once, or he was a Death Knight that needs to suffer to build Runic Power.
I’ve been saying this since I started doing M+ runs in S2 of Shadowlands : steady and sure times keys, rushing and massive pulls wipes groups.
And the usual answer is : “ImmaGoBig, Mechanics are for noobs, just do damage !”.
That never worked, even once, dungeons of all stripes are meant to be a cooperative group effort, forcing us to actually communicate and work together.
Your opening line of “pulled the whole room + Hogger” told me everything I needed to know : massive pull, no attention to the rest of the group, the full wipe is the most logical result of that kind of behaviour.
I’ve been kicked more times then I can remember, usually without a word, but I still asked “why ?” in a /w, and got answers ranging from “I hate hunters” to “you’re not doing enough damage” (while I was a the top of the epeen-meter, doing interrupts and crowd-control) or “just because”.
Don’t worry, it happens, because people are people, most of them not wanting anything else than peak performance while being unable to deliver said performance themselves.