First time kicked from a dg run(Rant)


I was lvling up an alt. Joined in on a dg(The stockades) run as a healer with a tank who was lvl 56. He pulled the whole rooms + Hogger and got us wiped. I got kicked out. I’ve never struggled healing a tank until I met him. His hp dropped down in an instant. I never got time to dps + heal ever. Is this normal?


Wasn’t there so can’t comment who was right or wrong. But for the sake of the discusion and lets say that happened. Then its…uncommon but some random kicks do happen here and there. For some its more common, for others its more rare.
I also got a few kicks as a tank and healer when leveling. Best you can do, is jut shake it off and join the next run.


It’s not normal but it happens. Don’t think too much about it.


Yes, it is normal.


I’ve been kicked from random dungeons many times :smiley:
Just go next

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Completely normal.
It will happen again.
Don’t think about it.

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Scaling high lv to low dungeon is wonky at best, so being scaled to stockades as a 50+ tank you end up feeling like paper unless rotating dmg reduction.

To put in into perspective how how big a difference it is my SL geared ret paladin did 230k (dps) to a treasure goblin according details of a lv 70 friend.

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I think votekicking happens more often than people would like to admit, at least on the forums. I think that is partly because it’s more of something that happens to less experienced players and players leveling alts. Players that generally are more prone to mistakes. And many of them probably don’t visit the forums much.

In my opinion the system isn’t very good and it’s much more likely that a less experienced player will get kicked than a toxic player, which isn’t very good


Tbh there was occasions of me being kicked from dungeon, vividly remember party kicking me because I didn’t knew that you are supposed to turn off your pet’s aggro back in legion, but it was, like, 2 times?

I do think that votekicking needs to be removed and instead replaced with report system
Atleast for not manually made groups.

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Ooooh, a kicked-out virgin !

Welcome to the club :people_hugging:.

Seriously, you’ll find people in this game that, even when leveling an alt won’t allow you even the slightest mistake, and will always blame others instead of trying to work out what happened.

I don’t even know what dungeon you were in (I started in december 2021), but I’d say, from personnal experience, that a Tank that pulls a whole room + Boss is a total disaster and always results in a wipe.

You got kicked because you were the easy, obvious target (always the fault of the healer that does not heal enough, even when it’s impossible to keep up because someone else, usually the tank, took a bigger bite than he can chew).

If his HP dropped in an instant, either he was undergeared, he pulled way too much at once, or he was a Death Knight that needs to suffer to build Runic Power.

I’ve been saying this since I started doing M+ runs in S2 of Shadowlands : steady and sure times keys, rushing and massive pulls wipes groups.

And the usual answer is : “ImmaGoBig, Mechanics are for noobs, just do damage !”.

That never worked, even once, dungeons of all stripes are meant to be a cooperative group effort, forcing us to actually communicate and work together.

Your opening line of “pulled the whole room + Hogger” told me everything I needed to know : massive pull, no attention to the rest of the group, the full wipe is the most logical result of that kind of behaviour.

I’ve been kicked more times then I can remember, usually without a word, but I still asked “why ?” in a /w, and got answers ranging from “I hate hunters” to “you’re not doing enough damage” (while I was a the top of the epeen-meter, doing interrupts and crowd-control) or “just because”.

Don’t worry, it happens, because people are people, most of them not wanting anything else than peak performance while being unable to deliver said performance themselves.


A lot of times, when you get kicked for no good reason, just be glad you got kicked and don’t have to put up with that group anymore.

Last time I got kicked from a dungeon was when I was leveling a DK in the Arcatraz I think. At one point our hunter died and no one bothered rezing them because rest of the party were all rushing forward, so they had to run back and died again on their way. I went back to escort them but at that point they just left. Later at the dungeon I died because a DPS thought they should pull for me. Again no one bothered rezing me and on the runback I got kicked. That was probably one of the worst experiences I’ve had in a leveling dungeon, so I was actually happy I didn’t have to keep playing with that group anymore.

Wouldn’t let it get to you. If you’re sure it’s not on you then it’s not on you and them kicking you to shift the blame is just pathetic but thats how people work these days.

Much easier to blame someone else than to just say I made a mistake.

I got kicked from a levelling dungeon once as tank, after a dps ran round pulling half the dungeon and I left them to die rather than picking up the mobs. It was a shock at first (the first time I’d ever been kicked), but I had to laugh when I remembered they would be the ones waiting for another tank…

When you initiate a vote to kick in a dungeon, there’s a space to put in the reason. (Or at least that’s how it was last time I initiated one, a very long time ago.) It’s entirely possible (although I’m not saying it definitely happened that way) that the dps who caused the problem was trolling, that they initiated the vote to kick, and they put something like ‘ninja pulling’ in the note. Then the rest of the group would have thought they were voting to kick the dps and wouldn’t have noticed it was the tank they were kicking.

Some people are so bored with life that they actually do that kind of stuff because it’s the only ‘fun’ they get. Unless you get kicked from groups a lot, never worry about why it happened. It could be that you made a mistake, but it could equally be that someone was bored and made you the target of their entertainment.

This behaviour exists in MMOs since the start, called “griefing” most of the time.

And it’s much older than that, the Germans have had the word “schädenfreude” (taking pleasure in the suffering of others) for several centuries, while Archeologists in the Real World have found tablets and stone archives dating of the Sumerian era of a copper seller that “trolled” his customers by adding lead in his copper ingots, and he kept a whole warehouse filled with several thousands of “stone letters” complaining of the quality of his products.

That copper seller, more than 5 thousand years ago, clearly enjoyed the suffering of his customers.

Nothing new, alas, it’s as old as the invention of writing !

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