I just finished all mage tower challenges and really enjoyed them. Never did anything pve related, but the current state of pvp is unplayable, so I need something new.
How hard is M+ in comparison to mage tower?
Can I just jump into +5?
What item level do I need?
Do I need a guild, because finding a group would take to long?
But if you can do the mage towers I’m sure a +5 will be pretty easy. Things vary, some find a +15 tough, others will claim its easy and that you can do a +20 with your monitor turned off etc.
Best way to suss it out is to jump in and see where your comfort level is.
Best thing to do is get yourself a Key. It will usually come as a +2 and set your own group up.
At +2 you’ll usually get some high ilvl people sign up who are looking for Valor (the currency used to upgrade items). They will boost you through your first couple of keys. And you’ll end up with a +8 key.
A guild is not necessary, but will normally be a better experience when advancing through later keys.
You have to look for affixes and do the right action related to them. You will get tyrannical or fortified affix depending on the week for every level above 2. You will get another affix on level 4, another one on level 7 and final one on level 11. Level 4 and 7 affixes change weekly but level 11 affix is same for every week for this season, thundering. Doing the right action for the affixes are crucial for mythic dungeons, so you have to prepare yourself for them too.
Hello hello! You sure made it just in time before the new season 2 sets off!
To first begin m+ this season the expected item level is as far as i know 350+
But thanks to the forbidden reach world bosses. You should get easily 385 gear without even breaking a sweat.
If you have the item level. I would say just jump into it. Mythic+ is just like Normal dungeons with extra steps. Some added difficulty. And affixed will pile on.
Affixes are added difficulty to the dungeons apart from what your used to running normals and heroics. And they vary each week. And they get more difficult the higher up in keys you go.
This week you are in luck! We only have fortified to deal with. And storming! Random tornadoes will appear to make your life difficult.
You wont have to worry about all the affixes at once until you start doing 10+ level keys.
But I would say this week is a good time to test it out.
Strongly advice you download Deadly boss mods. Addon. It tells you how to survive things where the game would otherwise leave you hanging.
Lindormi here in Valdrakken can give you a starter key at 2+ if you haven’t got a key already. At least I think she does… One of the options she gives should give you a starter key.
Sometimes its a little less stressful if its your own key. Rather than joining others. People never want to be rude to the keyholder. Tank… or healer
+2 - 15 are super easy to do with even just 380 ilvl or so.
+16 - 19 are horrible with any item level because people running those levels are incredibly bad and don’t know how to deal with affixes, the mechanics or their class
+20 are the wild west tbh. I see so many differently skilled players and ilvls ranging from 390-420 impossible to sum up the experience
+21 and up super easy again because most people know how to play the game on that level. Literally the smoothest runs i had on 21 and above with pugs. But i’d suggest knowing all aspects of the dungeons, affixes and your class yourself with a minimum ilvl of 410.
solo pug m+ experience is way worse than pvp and i haven’t done any pvp in wow , that’s how sure i am so yeah.
if you’ve done mage tower challenges then you probably won’t have any problems with m+ especially in lower keys.