Fix arms and make it unique!

Fix arms and make it unique!

WARRIORS TO ARMS! Please share this so we can get to be true warriors in shadowlands!

New rage mechanic:

Warriors are about strength! And therefore should the kit show that. The more rage you have the more strength you get. at 100 range you can get 15% more strength (Like DK’s).

100 rage= 15%, 50 rage= 7,5

This will make rage a resource to keep your eye on. The goal should not be to cap but to be close. The rage will be used on your hard hitting abilities. (Mortal Strike and Execute)

When you are in combat you will generate rage passive if you don’t get to hit something.

This will make us feel less rage starved when we finally get to hit something + it makes sense that it would make a warrior angry when we can’t get to our target.

Defensive Stance and Stormbolt baseline.

To make the warrior a real juggernaut we need to be less frail. defensive stance baseline will fix this without making warriors OP.

We need to get Stormbolt baseline. Every warrior takes this… and with good reason. All other specs have stuns and to keep up we need one to.

Make the spells unique

  • Slam is your filler and builds rage.

  • WW gives a passive called sweeping strikes. (Your next 2 melee attacks strike an additional nearby opponent)-(This means that sweeping strike is gone)

  • Overpower is a builder and a buffer. It works as the new Dreadnaught(Overpower has 2 charges, and it increases the damage of your next Mortal Strike by an additional 10%.)

  • MS and Cleave are the same.

A passive that could be cool but we don’t “need”

Weapon master:

Small chance to get an effect from your weapon choice. (Like windfury)

Axe: Chance for bleed.

Sword: Counter attack the target when they hit you.

Mace: Stun

I believe that this will make Arms feel like a heavy hitter and a tactician with the new rage mechanic.


25 Mobility

  • Double Time

  • Warbringer: Charge and Intercept now deals (108% of attack power) damage to all enemies within 5 yds of the target, and stuns them for 12.5 sec.

  • Bounding Stride

35 Utility

  • secondwind(rework): 1%passive healing all the time,

  • Impending victory: Instantly attack the target, causing (50% of Attack power) damage and healing you for 30% of your maximum health.

  • Ignore Pain: Ignore pain cost ½ the rage.

40 AOE

  • Ravager: Throws a whirling weapon at the target location that chases nearby enemies, inflicting [6 * (42.4% of Attack power)] Physical damage and applying Deep Wounds to up to 8 enemies over 12 sec.
  • Warbreaker
  • Cleave

45 Defensive

  • Reflection: 40% less magic dmg

  • Commanding shout: Commanding shout gives Bolster

  • Die by the sword: 50 % Cooldown reduction.

50 Ultimate/Playstyle

  • Avatar: Fokus on burst. Transform into a colossus for 20 sec, causing you to deal 20% increased damage and removing all roots and snares.

  • Anger Management: Rage you spend reduces the remaining cooldown on Bladestorm and Colossus Smash

  • Trauma: Slam, Whirlwind, and Execute now cause the target to bleed for 20% additional damage over 6 sec. Multiple uses accumulate increased damage.

I dont care that much for the numbers. I would be fine with small numbers until we hit are solid point were warriors are not OP, but I do care if the specs works at its core or not. I hope and prey that this will been seen and we could get warriors to shine on the battlefield!

Sorry if my gramma sucks. I hope you get the point of the post.

Have a nice day. :slight_smile:


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