Fix blackmithing patron orders and/or add hide/ignore 'scam' orders button

after some adjustments few weeks ago the catch-up system works for all professions with the exception of BS.Partly it depends on the luck, I have several bsmithers, one of them is “fine” but the other one is a total disaster.For a week I have about 6 orders for epic weapons and armor and the value of the material I have to provide is between 9-15 thousand gold.

There are ~20 different alloys for some crafts with a minimum price of 4000, the biggest problem is Sanctified Alloy, the price of one piece is around 1000 G and there can be up to 10 of them.As far as I know, Blizzard can set the chance for each item to be provided by the patron, so it would help to set it to 100% for this type of alloys.
It would also be good to add a button/mouse right click menu option to hide/ignore uninteresting orders, when they are there for a whole week, it can happen that someone accidentally clicks them and is robbed of 14K gold in 2 seconds.


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