Fix "brawls" and merc buff

Long waiting times for the brawl. Make brawls cross-server and allow to que with merc buff (btw more people play alliance pvp so change the dude in valdrakken).
Its that easy yeah.


I wonder why this specific brawl has such a long queue time. Is it maybe because people are not interested in fighting against a certain premade? No-one cares about brawls other than to complete the weekly quest for the CP.


hahaha u beat me to it xD

What premade?
I love Southshore, best brawl ever.

hotmogu was better… i mean… before hunters literally took over that one too…


Why merc buff? Dont u like to wait one hour+ ?

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Ppl cant que for the brawl cause their serverpool is dead and all u do is cry about premades? U should get attention in rl maybe it would fix your issues

That should not be a issue for a mage who 1V2 MM hunters and post it on youtube :wink:

The Brawls are pool specific, so it is very difficult for some pools to get a game going. Might help to mix the pools really, finally.

im glad someone watches those, but wpvp is slightly different i have advantage a slight advantage in wpvp

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