Fix for Affliction PVP

To be honest guys no matter what was better Soul Swap on no Soul Swap 1 thing is sure. It was better than current affliction design. The big problem is it’s finally well designed for PvE and it’s doing great in raid so the only chance to make design better and enjoyable for PvP is doing it through PvP talents or traits. Otherwise I don’t see any bright future.

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Spread pressure affliction is a way to go.

Additionally, curses should matter.

For example, if they have the same CD, warlock must make a choice during the game to use curse of weakness now and avoid burst, but get into CD or use his health stone and save the curse for applying tongues later during the kill attempt.


Agree, curses shouldnt have a cooldown and should be baseline

That is something Synergy is for. That is prolly one reason we ended up where we are.

You took other classes to make up for the things your lacked. Now every class has almost everything by themself.

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They should honestly just go back to the different curses being either baseline or part of one single PvP talent and let them cancel each other out when applied on a target like they used to. Then again, this could be an issue in regards to dispel having a cd now for those able to dispel curses.

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Isn’t affliction gameplay dot everyone and watch them die together?
I mean this spec is somehow AoE spec.
You want heal debuff on your dots?
How about no? Example arms warriors they have heal debuff but the spec is single target. Imagine all their abilities hitting 2 more targets in 10 or 20 yards non stop. This will be insane since arms will be counter to all double melee meta in 3s.

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It was like this till Legion/BfA. Legion was later somehow fixed but in BfA you are rather gimmicky drain life trait stacking weird spec.

One more thing - these stupid healing talents like Heart of the Wild, Counteract Magic, paladin’s Shadow Resistance Aura have to go. You can’t just give a talent that passively makes you win with some dot specs. They should give tools (healing spells) to specs to deal with this type of damage not passives that make you lower/outheal someone’s damage passively.

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Can’t rogues spread healing debuff aoe?

They can but the damage is nothing close to affliction dots. Spaming dagger throw will do nothing. Just apply the poisons and thats all while for affliction spec you can put agony , corution , syphon , UA on more targets and they are doing much better job.

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It’s not hard, but it’s another layer which makes a difference, personally I’d love to see it again.

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Literally anything does better than affly dots

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it’s not

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It used to be, and that was more fun

Buffing Affliction’s damage won’t necessarily fix the spec, but I do agree that we should be doing slightly more (you average out at like 12k DPS every game).

The main problem with the spec is, we can’t live long enough into dampening where Affliction is supposed to shine.

There are many ways you can go about fixing this issue, such as:

  • Giving us Soul Link
  • Making our DoTs heal passively (that actually do something, looking at you Siphon Life)
  • Adding an ability that lets us trade Soul Shards for defensive purposes (shield/damage reduction/heal)

I could think of so many more but these are just some examples.

Now a different topic is how we actually deal damage, AKA Agony being 50% of your damage breakdown, and everything else below that pretty much useless (+ you are never able to spend your Soul Shards vs a double melee team that’s training you).

It’s obviously a super simple and boring playstyle, and I’ve seen some great suggestions on the forums, as well as came up with some myself, such as:

  • A PvP talent that makes UA an instant cast, and maybe even gives it a small MS effect, this way you could easily spend your Soul Shards and spread UAs to every target
  • Buff the Nightfall talent to proc way more often, and also increase the damage %
  • Give us Soul Swap back
  • A brand new baseline ability (something like this could fix Affliction’s AoE in PvE as well, which I know is horrible)
    – 1 Soul Shard cost
    – Instant cast
    – No cooldown
    – Make targets afflicted by your Agony “explode”, dealing X amount of damage to all enemies within 5 yards, and apply Agony to every target hit

I understand DoT juggling is a big part of Affliction so maybe an ability like this wouldn’t be welcomed

I personally believe if we got the aforementioned UA PvP talent, as well as traded our Demon Armor for Soul Link, Affliction would be in a good spot, as well as fun to play!

Thank you

P.S. Blizzard
I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume Affliction was accidentally caught in the crossfire of the Demon Armor nerf

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Or revert to cata or mop pvp state

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How about no ?

I would guess they would instantly be t1 again and replace Destro. More damage reduction through SL ? Now even against Casters ? UA that cant be interrupted ?

Add a DH into it with Manarift and we would prolly have the new T1 combo.


you can post that idea in two days again

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What change would you suggest to address the fact that we can’t spend our Soul Shards in certain matchups?
Would the PvP talent be fine if you couldn’t stack UAs anymore?
Make Seed of Corruption baseline instant cast, and pump up the damage a bit? Much like in Legion but this time it wouldn’t be a proc you get.

As for the Soul Link, we were paper even before the Demon Armor nerf, so I think the 20% damage reduction from Soul Link is justified, we are supposed to be tanky after all (Like I said, remove Demon Armor and give us Soul Link, not have both).

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I dont agree with it either but im curious to know why dont you.

EVERYCASTER spender is instant… except lock ones.
So whats the problem with UA being instant?

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Thing is, even if the enemy team lets you freecast whole game, you are still not doing any threatening amount of damage, not in low dampening anyway.

That’s why I don’t see instant UA being OP or anything, but yea, definitely need some kind of an instant cast Soul Shard spender, whether it be offensive or defensive.

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