Mid of BFA Alpha, it was haunt vs ua as a shard spender.
I remember the facepalm i did once i read it.
Mid of BFA Alpha, it was haunt vs ua as a shard spender.
I remember the facepalm i did once i read it.
I mean, I used to play affli on arenas in TBC and WOTLK. The only moment where I actually played arenas “competitively” (2,2k rating, nothing impressive, iirc).
And it was insanely fun. I mean, dots did actual damage, that could pressure the enemy comp, but that would not win you a game. You needed to cast haunt, because you needed the self healing in order to be kept alive. You needed your drains to deal extra damage and healing. You could use fire spells to make them nervous and kick before they should, or to at least do something if shadow was locked. You needed to manage your HP and mana through life tap. You kited your opponents using demonic circle and coexx to reduce the pressure on your healer. You would manage curses in order to increase damage.
Nowadays, you just almost literally only have and can tank damage with your face while you cast insta dots in sucession. In fact, dots last for so short that for a lot of affli builds there is pretty much nothing to do beyond refreshing them.
Wotlk you mean right?
Be kind to me, it was almost… 10 years ago? Haven’t played since Cata.
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