Fix Holy Paladin asap , jesus

Last night on raid its was all good with Holy Prism , keys not to bad . Then Today Holy Prism Aoe heals for nothing really , It must be bugged , Also Daybreak there is no 2 heals . Cmon Fix it or i am off . Anyone else haveing these issues as trying to do keys with massive aoe healing is just pointless .

Did you break your old 4 set?

Hpal is pooop in pvp aswell. Jesus christ, dont get how they actually Balance this game


Hi , yes i have only the 2 set of old tier which i understand will lesson holy prism but omg or group healing is just so weak its become unplayable , 5 players with massive hp pools all taken 60 or 70% dam all at once which will happen every 30 secs means everyone is dead no matter how hard for fast we hit the buttons . Hpally is not working at all .

First week and the front page of holy pallies have timed all keys on 20 and higher. Maybe you’re doing it wrong?

I think the problem is you’ve maybe not looked into the recent healing / class changes as of Season 3.
The healing rewark that all healers went through this season, means you need to approach Holy Paladin different as well.

For myself (which im casually doing 150-200k HPS in raids up to M+ 18 keys), i am a cast healer that buffs flash of light as much as possible via my talents and echos that healing with beacon of Virtue.

Go to spell priority: Holy shock, Keeping tyres deliverance on, Word of Glory, Flash of light, Daybreak/Divine toll (when needed) - Echoed to the party beacon of virtue which is used when damage is expected to come up on on CD whenever in a large pull.

Paladins are in a fantastic output place right now, however because of AOE healing nurfs (that affects all healers) you need to approach group healing differently.
Please really read into and look at the talents + blizzards healing changes as of this season.
Im sure you’ll find a build that gets you where you need to go.

If your whole healing gameplay was on carpet bombing AOE spells like Light of dawn etc, yeah, those got nurfed hard and should be now used more as a tiny top-off rather then the go-to.

Prism pops in m+.

You just cant sit on your CDs.

Use them often and effectively (throughput and damage reduction).

Also its week 1 of season its not going to feel as good as late season a couple of weeks + ago.

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