Fix my champion,trolls avoid this thread thank you,

My champion, Ragueel-Silvermoon ,599ilvl,has 53% OVERALL SECONDARY STATS here is screenshot: htt ps:// ; while mage 594 ilvl have 81% overall secondary stats ,there is screenshot : htt ps:// , THE GAME IS P2W,OR THIS IS THE BUG CHOICE WHATEVER U WANT.

There are several factors to why such a thing exists and is not a bug

  1. Abilities and talents - Your frost mage gets 10% haste from Winter’s Blessing + Tome of Antonidas (plus 10% more haste from all sources) and 3% crit from Tome of Rhonin + Belf racial. I’m not aware of anything your priest might get besides the 2% increased gain of secondaries from other sources racial, which isn’t that much.
  2. Tertiary stats like leech, avoidance and speed are random bonuses for gear drops and are not part of the secondary budget an item has.
  3. Trinkets vary greatly in what they give. Your priest’s trinkets give primary stat, your mage’s trinkets give secondary stats.
  4. Not all gear gives the same amount of stats. Rings and necks give more secondary stats as they don’t have a primary stat. Other items have different budgets as well. Depending on which items you have at high ilvl or low ilvl it could explain more discrepancy between the stats.
  5. Masteries just don’t work the same for different specs. Frost mages start with 9% basic mastery and gain more mastery per stat than holy priests who start with 8% basic mastery. In truth the frost mage mastery is pretty complex and can’t be summed with one number as it gives different bonuses for different abilities, but the stats page has to display something regardless.

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