Fix Neutral towns, come on Blizz

Cannot believe that this is so hard to do.

Designing exciting and well tuned raids? Check
Interesting and diverse dungeons? Check
Two brand new zones to spend a lot of time in? Double check

Understanding that a player should feel safe in the neutral town, because of the guards? ‘incoherent screeching’

This is not a difficult concept to get. You want to W PvP? Do it. Not where people zone in, vendor their scrap or hand in their quests.

Of course, don’t make Rustbolt a Sanctuary, if you want to dive into your death for a cheap kill, then go ahead.

At the moment, the death part will simply not happen. Not. A. Chance.

The guards hit for 0.04% of a players health, got zero dangerous abilities and guess what, even if you kill a guard you… won’t lose reputation towards the Resistance? Like, what?

Possible Fixes:

  • The guards should actually exist, and do damage. They shouldn’t have threath tables either, they should focus the people who triggered them, not on god-mode tanks.
  • If you kill a guard, you lose a nice chunk of reputation (100?), it should be also near impossible to escape them.
  • Once you trigger a guard attacking you, you should be on “watch-list” for 10 minutes, constantly being attacked if you get close to town.

Easy fixes. Doubt they will ever consider them.

Just watched 2 dozen hordies massacre every alliance and guard in Rustbolt. Now go ahead and tell me why alliance should ever consider turning on WM. +30% reputation? More like -100%, you cannot even hand in the quests.

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Your horde will stay neutral with the Rosbolt or maybe even hated,so no quest and if you have bad reputation,you should not bee allowed to do the dungeon either,because the dungeon is given by Rostbolt resistance so bad rep=no dung at all.

I find yor suggestions very good. And they not need to creat them at all - theyr implemented already. Know the D.E.T.H.A Fraction in lich king? If you killed a neutral wild animal you got a debuff so you could not interact with these guys and they attacked you. Really hard. They only need to copy and paste.

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