Fix spell penetration for totems and mushrooms, fix eclipse and moonfire energy

Pvp season has started almost a month ago. Still there are critical issues which make Moonkin and Elemental unplayable (especially, if played together in 2v2).

  1. Shaman’s totems and Druid’s mushrooms do not benefit from spell penetration at all. It means that enemies are constantly resisting roots from Shaman’s totem and damage from Druid’s mushrooms. Even when damage is not fully resisted, it is still always reduced by 20+%.

  2. Moonkin’s Moonfire gives Lunar energy, but it should give Solar energy.

  3. Each time until you get your first Eclipse, your Solar/Lunar energy can be decreased, which should not be possible. Let’s say you have 90 Solar energy. If you cast Starfire, you end up having 70 Solar energy, although it still should be 90. This issue fixes itself after reaching the first Eclipse, but it breaks again each time on a new arena fight/logout. This makes it very hard to reach the first Eclipse, cause your energy is constantly jumping between Solar and Lunar.

We play Boomkin + Ele in 2v2 (which is the weakest setup in Cata). Our base mechanics are completely broken. Please bump this topic, so Blizz can finally notice the issue.


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